Chapter 66

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Lala here! It's chapters like these that make me emotional🥺 but remember that secret/ surprise I had? Yea, find out in the next chapter!

Storm's POV

"This better be good!" I mumbled to myself as I walked out of the Ball house. I just lied straight to their faces all because this girl, a complete stranger, told me to. Storm, this is what your life has come to? Ok Storm, let's think this through. You're about to face the girl who's been giving you all of these orders that have been making your life slightly harder to live. If I don't find out who she is...she'll continue to do what she's doing. Fuck it let's go!

I walked over to the black jeep and got in. Two people sat in the front with a black hoodie on. Oh yea, I'm finna die today.

"Ok I'm here...." I announced. The person in the passenger seat turns around and I gasp. You've got to be kidding me!

"Hi Storm!"

"Soul? WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled. She giggles and the person in the driver seat starts the car and starts driving.

"I know this may be very confusing, so let me explain my part" She says. I sat there in shock not knowing what to say. I guess you better start listening Storm. That's all you can do now.

"So Storm, I've always been a fan of you and didn't like how people were treating you. So C and I thought it'd be a good idea for people to get on your good side again. I would've approached you myself but I had a feeling I wasn't gonna get your attention so easily. So I tried to get to you through Josh. Oh by the way, the kiss wasn't a part of my plan. Sorry for doing it by the way. It was so rude of me" She says. I blinked a few times before speaking. This is so mind blowing.

"All of this for....what?" I asked tilting my head. I should beat her ass.

"I told you, to get people on your good side again. It worked didn't it? We were planning for your next step to go on live to explain the whole Melo situation until we got a call from Cali" She says and looks at her partner. I then look at her. Who is this?

"Ugh traffic. Do you think we're gonna make it?" C asks Soul. I've heard that voice before!

"I hope so, Cali isn't holding back now. She's ready" She says sighing.

"Ummm hello" I said snapping my fingers and Soul looks at me.

"Who's this?" I asked pointing at C. The car stops because we're in the middle of traffic now. She sighs and takes her hoodie off.  She turns to me and I gasp.

"Doctor?!" I said in shock. She rolls her eyes and takes her glass off, and puts her hair down. No....freaking....WAY!

"Oh my gosh......" I said covering my mouth. This is unbelievable.

"Long time no see Storm" She smirks.

"C-Crystal!?" I said in disbelief.

"Y-Yea" She mocks me, causing her and Soul to laugh.

"It was you this whole time? The calls-"

"The messages, the cds, yea girl that was all me. And by the way, you're welcome" She says smiling at me.

"You're welcome?! For what?" I said confused.

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