Chapter 45

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Storm's POV

"What time is breakfast?" I asked Josh as we both walked out of the bathroom. We just took a shower together.

"In a couple of minutes, so we should get ready fast" He says. I nodded and looked at the outfit on the bed. I put my undergarments on before grabbing my clothes and putting them on. I then walked to the bathroom to do my hair. I've been a bit quiet because I kept replaying that girls words in my head. It was stuck in my mind and it was making me feel a way. I don't even want to be around or talk to anyone right now.

"What are you wearing?" Josh asks as he looks at me. I looked down to my grey supreme tracksuit and looked back at him. Excuse me?

"What do you mean what am I wearing?" I asked with a bit of an attitude. Storm why are you getting mad?

"It's just a question. You always like to dress up so I just thought you'll dress more fancier" He says shrugging. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my brush.

"Do you want me to dress up? Is this not enough for you? Am I worthless?" I questioned him as I flung my arms up. He looked at me and froze. He looks to the side and then looks back at me.

"It was just a question Storm, why are you snapping at me?" He says in confusion. I looked at him and huffed. This girl was really getting to me and I was starting to get mad at myself because I really let her words get to me. And I'm taking it out on Josh. Sorry Josh...

"Just never mind" I mumbled. I brushed my hair and styled my edges. I then did my makeup and brushed my lashes. As I was about to pick up the comb, Josh grabs it which causes me to flinch. He looks at me weirdly.

"What the hell is going on with you?" He asks. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Nothing. Just hurry up and use the comb" I said looking down.

"You were ok just a few seconds ago in the shower. What's your problem?" He says looking at me. He was looking at me like I was crazy and I didn't like it.

"My problem is you don't like my outfit" I said looking at him. Maybe this will make me forget about the girl.

"I never said I didn't like your outfit Storm, you even look like me right now. I just thought you'd maybe put on some jeans, or maybe some heels you know?" He says shrugging.

"So I'm supposed to wear heels all the time? You want me to change my outfit?" I asked him. He looks at me chuckles.

"This conversation is done. You're bugging" He says and walks out of the bathroom. I followed him as he put his shoes on.

"No conversation not done. Do you want me to change?!" I said loudly.

"No Storm I don't want you to change. But what I don't want is for you to step back with all of this yelling. You being like this is gonna piss me off" He says sighing.

"So you don't like my outfit and now you're pissed at me" I said. He ignores me and grabs our phones.

"Are you ready?" He asks me. I ignored him and went to slide on my red yeezy slides. He gives me a look before looking away.

"What now!" I yelled. Now I'm irritated.

"I didn't even say anything. I'm not gonna say a word when you're in one of your moods. Mad for no reason" He says rolling his eyes. I opened the door and walked towards the elevator. I folded my arms as I stood there. As I waited for this annoying ass guy named JoShUa, I was thinking to myself. When am I going to hear from that girl again? Will she follow me to LA? Did she really mean she'll hurt everyone around me if I say a word about her and that video?

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