Chapter 6

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After this when all the drama starts... Get ready y'all!!!

A week later

Storm's POV

I breathed in and out as I flopped down into my bed. For the last couple of days, I've been working nonstop. Shoots back to back to back. Since my first shoot, everyone wants to start working with me again. I'm definitely not complaining because I love working and doing what I do. But working like this has me home less and barley getting any sleep. Also, I've been in articles and honestly some people are glad that I'm back. While everyone else is waiting for me to speak up about Melo. What they don't understand is, I don't want to talk about Melo. Or about what happened.

"I missed you so much bed" I said to my beautiful, comfy, king size bed. I can't wait to sleep in it!

"Did you miss me?" I heard behind me. I turned around and see Josh walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Mmmm yummy. Snap out of it Storm!

"Hmm that's a hard question" I said shrugging as I sat up. He chuckled before walking over to me. He lifts my face up and leans down to kiss me slowly. Mmmm his lips, one of my biggest weaknesses. I kiss back but cut it short. I'm still mad at him.

"I know you're still not mad at me" He says scoffing.

"'Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" I said shrugging.

"I'm sorry Storm, I really am" He says frowning.

"I bet you are" I said laughing. He then takes a seat beside me and grabs my hand. I instantly pull my hand away. Boy don't touch me....or continue to...

"I'm just worried about you Storm. That's all" He says.

"What is there to worry about? I'm fine" I said to him.

"That's the thing. You're not fine and I know you're not. Storm I know you, I'm your husband for crying out loud" He says throwing his hands up. I sighed and leaned forward. Here we go again.

"Josh I'm not going to tell you this again. I'm ok, I'm fine. But if you keep pushing this on me then you're not going to like the outcome" I pointed at him. He was getting me real hot right now. Hot in two ways. He was getting me mad, but also making me feel some type of way cause I know what's underneath that towel.

"Why are you getting mad?" He asks me.

"I'm not getting mad" I said.

"But you're getting pissed" He says.

"Hell yea I'm getting pissed because you're pissing me off'!" I semi yelled. He looked at me and crossed his arms.

"You see, there. That inner anger is coming out" He says. He sounds like Luzzy.

"I'm not angry!" I said and he continues to look at me. He's pissing me off.

"I just come home, without being home for a week and I'm tired as fuck. And you wanna start your bullshit now Josh?" I ask him shaking my head.

"We were just having a normal conversation and you wanna get mad. You got issues" He shrugs and stands up.

"I'm not mad. But you wanna know what my issue is? It's you" I said and he laughs to himself. What the fuck is funny?

"Ok Storm, whatever you say" He says and walks into our closet.

"But hey let's talk about you. Why haven't I heard from you for days?" I ask him. I just realized the last time I talked to him is when we had our little argument while I was at my shoot. That was a week ago.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now