Chapter 47

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Storm's POV

"I'm so hungry. I can eat a house right now" Luzzy says which causes us to laugh. We were in a car on our way back from shopping. Vegas is a very nice city and there's so much to see. I definitely have to come back here.

"When we get back, it's dinner time" Heaven says to her.

"Why are you guys on your phone like that?" Maya asks us.

"Checking on our kids" Heaven says as she referred to me, her, and Peyton.

"We are on a trip, y'all playing mommy right now?" Star asks.

"Girl we play mommy everyday" Peyton says. I put my phone down as I just finished texting Halona. The kids are good and are having a fun time with their grandparents. She said they don't seem to be mad at Josh and I anymore but it could change once we get back. I hope everything will be fine once we get home.

"What are we doing after dinner?" I asked them.

"Club?" Star suggested.

"YES!" Maya yelled clapping.

"What are the boys doing?" Peyton asked.

"Who knows and who cares. I've been having a blast just being with you girls. We should've made this into a all girls trip" Star says.

"I agree" I said as I grabbed my phone from my lap. Seconds later, I'm being mentioned on comments from The Shaderoom. What's going on?

"Oop, Storm you better head to Instagram right now" Star says. I clicked on one of the notifications and the app opens. Then it brings me to the post. Oh...

"Josh Christopher catches referee at game in Vegas, is he a hero or what? Swipe to see video" I read out loud to them. I then swiped to see the video. She was running down the court when a basketball player bumps into her and she falls back. Josh leans forward from his chair and catches her.

"You ok soul?" He asks her.

"Yea, good catch" She says and they smiled at each other. Ok...

"So this is Soul. Interesting" Luzzy says.

"Very" I said as I watched the video again. Somethings about the way they looked at each other...I didn't like.

"Don't think to much of it Storm. You know Josh is just a friendly guy. He caught her because he didn't want her to get hurt. That's what anyone would do right?" Peyton says.

"Ummm I wouldn't" Maya says.

"Yea me either" Star says fake yawning. I tell you about these two.

"Don't listen to them Storm, Peyton is right. Josh did  the right thing by catching her. The way that guy bumped her, she could've seriously injured herself" Heaven says.

"I guess you're right" I said shrugging. I then went to the comments to see what people were saying.

"She's pretty🤩"

"Is Josh cheating on Storm?"

"She looks better then Storm🥱"

"Josh fell in love at first sight😍"

"Josh is just perfect!"

"Finally, Storm is getting replaced🙄"

"Y'all ThunderGup 4L. Storm ain't going no where"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. People are gonna say what they want regardless. Soon enough we arrived back at the hotel. Our security opened the door and we all got out and walked inside.

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