Chapter 54

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Josh's POV

"Another dub man! That's just how we do!" I yelled as I walked into my hotel room. I just won my game and decided to come back to my hotel room and just vibe by myself. The team went out to celebrate. Right now I was laying on my bed scrolling through social.

I was liking stuff I was tagged in and even reposted some of the edits fans have made of me or Storm and I. It really pained me to see after so long people still made their comments about her and continue to send nasty and disrespectful stuff to her. Social media may not be real, but the people on it are and their words and actions hurt.

Hmmm I should call Storm. I thought to myself. I went to her contact and clicked the FaceTime button. It rang for a few seconds until she answered.

"Hi Guppy" She says. She was in the bathroom and was in her bra and underwear, looks like she was finishing up her skin care.

"Hi Stormy" I said as I watched her. She is so beautiful.

"I watched the game, good job. Like always" She says smiling.

"You already know. When you love the game, it loves you back" I said to her and she laughs.

"You're right on that one" She says and I laughed.

"How was your day baby girl?" I said as I rolled over so I was laying on my stomach.

"It was very good. Peyton came over and we were talking about her moving back in with us" She says.

"That's good to hear, I honestly missed her being around. We help each other out" I told her and she nodded.

"We did. And then I had a talk with Lola about Cali and she and the others now understand why we made the decision for them not to see her. They forgive us so when you come back home, everything will be ok" She says.

"That's good to hear. I know you did a way better job then I did, they wouldn't even talk to me" I said and we started laughing.

"Yea, they're pretty hard headed. But once you crack them, they're easier to talk to" She says.

"That's true" I said. She then steps back and turns around. My eyes lead down to her ass and I lick my lips. Damn. 

"It's crazy that I eat and act the way that I do and still look this good" She says posing in the camera frame. I take a screenshot of her and smile. I'm gonna make this my new wallpaper.

"Yea and taste good too" I smirked and she rolls her eyes. I started laughing and she shakes her head.

"You're so extra" She says. I laughed and continued to watch her.

"I know, but it's one of the things we love about each other" I shrugged.

"If I'm extra, you're loud" I told her and she gasps.

"WHAT!" She says loudly and I start laughing again.

"Yessss" I said nodding.

"Josh ain't no body louder then you!" She says laughing.

"The only person that was louder then the both of us, was Melo" I told her.

"Speaking of, Tina and the others invited me to dinner this Friday. Should I go?" She asks me.

"Honestly I think you should. You were so closed to the family and after he died, you guys fell apart. I feel like we all had to be together to deal with the lost of him. And you guys weren't. What I didn't like about the situation was how they treated you and made it seem like it was your fault" I told her. After losing Melo, everything changed. For Storm, it was the worst. Not only was she already getting hated on by everyone, the Ball family treated her the same. I hated it.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now