Chapter 65

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Lala here! You guys wanna hear something shocking, I've never once went over and read any of my STORM books😭 I just made them. Are they really that good?👀

Storm's POV

"You sure you ok?" Peyton asks me for the 5th time.

"Yes Peyton, I'm fine. Can you please stop asking me" I said to her. She sighs and nods her head. I look out the window and watch as we drive by stores and houses.

When I got home, Josh and I sat my mom down and told her everything that was going on. She cried when I told her about my heart problem and gave me a big hug. She gave me some advice and prayed with me. It was very calming. Josh and I also talked and he said that we should put our issues a side and focus on the main thing right now, which is making sure I'm not overly stressed about anything and I keep myself healthy. I agreed with him but the thought of him saying we should get a divorce isn't leaving my head. Knowing that he wants to leave me gives me a pain in my stomach. I'm sorry Josh...

I talked to Saweetie and Annie as well and they were upset as well. But as long as I take it easy. I'll be fine. Hopefully. After dinner with the ball family, I know I'll feel better.

"Sorry, I'm just worried" She says and looks down. I look at her and grab her hand.

"I'm ok, I-I promise" I said to her. She looks at me and smiles.

"Are you nervous?" She asks me.

"Yea, but also excited. I missed the ball family" I said. I really hope they don't bring up what happened and bash me about it. Especially Lavar.

"They missed you too, especially Gelo and Tina" She says.

"Ahhh, Gelo" I said as I smiled. Besides Melo, I was close with Gelo as well. I was close with Zo to but not as much as Gelo and Melo because I saw them more often. I missed them a lot.

"We're here!" She cheers as the driver pulls up to the big mansion. I looked up the hill and saw Melo's house. Melo...

"Thank you sir" We thanked the driver. He nods at us and opens the door. We get out and walk up to the door. As Peyton is about to knock, I stop her.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked her as I start to second guess. Maybe this is to I ready to face them after so long?

"Yes Storm, this is a great idea. It's been 2 years, it's now or never" She says. I sighed and fixed my jacket.

"Do I look ok?" I asked her.

"You look beautiful Storm, don't worry" She says. I sighed and nodded. She nods and knocks on the door.

"I'm gonna faint, I'm going back home" I said turning around. She grabs my arm and holds me beside her. Before I try to turn around again, the door opens. SHIT!

"Peyton, hi honey" Tina says and hugs her.

"Hi Tina" She says smiling at her. She then looks at me and smiles widely. She grabs a hold of my hands and we look at each other.

"Hi Storm, you look well" She says.

"You as well Tina, it's been a while" I said and she nods.

"C'mere honey" She and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and smiled. She hugs just like Melo.

"Come inside girls, dinner is almost ready" She says and motions inside. We nodded and walk in. I close the door behind me and she leads us to the backyard.

"We are having barbecue" She says.

"Yummy" Peyton says and claps her hands. I couldn't help but giggle. When we get outside, We see Zo and Lavar playing one on one, and Gelo sitting down on a chair.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now