Chapter 3

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Storm's POV

"Hey Storm, how are you?" Saweetie says as I walk into her office, there stood Annie as well.

"Hi Saweetie, hi Annie. And I'm..." again, I still couldn't find the words. They looked at me weirdly as I stood there. I just put my hand up and did the ok sign. Storm from now on just say ok and keep it moving.

"That's good. What brings you here today?" She asks me as I took a seat in the chair in front of her.

"I wanted to start working again" I said to her.

"Really?" She says giving me an amazed look.

"Yes! I'm ready" I said smiling at her.

"Wow ok! I'm glad to hear that. My question is, how do you wanna go about this?" She says opening up her computer.

"Well, I was thinking just photoshoots. No runways, no events, no guest appearances. Just straight shoots" I said to her.

"May I ask why?" Annie says.

"I'm not ready to show my face to the world. I don't wanna face the criticism and opinion of others just yet" I said looking down.

"Storm, I get that you're scared. But you can't keep hiding forever. Eventually you're going to be seen or put out there" Saweetie says to me.

"I'm not hiding anymore if I'm considering to work right?" I say to her.

"Are you going to at least log back into your social media accounts?" She says while typing into her computer.


"No?" They both asked.

"Why would I do that?" I ask them. Like what kind of question was that.

"Well I mean...why not?" Saweetie says, in more of a question.

"You want me to log back in, just to get hated on again by everyone?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Storm it was a long time ago, people aren't going to bash you anymore" Saweetie says. Sis we don't know that.

"Saweetie please" I begged.

"Storm, log back in for a day and see what happens. Ok?" She says.

"Fine" I mumbled. She nods and then continues to type on her computer.

"You have a photoshoot tomorrow with Fashion Nova. They want to be the one to show case you as you make your way back to the modeling world. Something small but it's a good start" She says. I nodded and stood up.

"I'll email you the details ok?" She says.

"Ok, it was nice seeing you two" I said grabbing my bag. I was about to walk away when Saweetie calls me back.

"Hey Storm?" She says.


"Everything is going to be ok, alright?" She says.

"Ok" I said before waving at them. I walked out of her office and out of the building. I put my sunglasses on and walked with my head low, so no one would notice me. I opened my car door and got in. Good, no one spotted me. I sighed and put my purse down in the passenger seat. I turned the car on and drove off starting my ride back home. As I drove, my phone started ringing. I pressed answer on the car phone and seen Luzzy's contact.

"What's up bestie?" I said.

"Storm, are you busy right now?" She asks. She sounded irritated. That's weird.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now