Chapter 35

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Josh's POV

"That's enough for today boys, see you at tomorrow's game" My coach says as we finished practice. I yawned for about the 10th time and sat down on the bench. I was so tired, after Storm and I got home, we stayed up and just talked about random things until the sun came up. Even though I loved every second of being with her, I should've toke a nap. I'm suffering from it now and I did not do good in practice today.

"Christopher you good?" My coach asks me.

"Yea coach I'm good. Just tired" I said trying to prevent my yawn again. I need to sleep!

"You should head out now" He says and I nodded. I grabbed my towel and water bottle and walked to the  locker room. I walk to my locker and grab my shirt and throw it on. I then grab my bag and my phone. I don't feel like showering here. I'll shower at home.

"Later y'all" I said to my teammates. They said bye to me and close my locker and walk out.

"Bye Gup" People say to me as I walk past them. When I'm finally out, I walk to my car and throw my bag in the backseat. When I finally sit down I sigh and lean back in my seat. I wonder what Storm is doing. I grabbed my phone and went to her contact and pressed her name. It started ringing and I looked at myself in the camera.

"Man I'm fine" I said to myself. Her face then pops up and she's smiling, which causes me to smile. She's so beautiful.

"Hi baby" She says as she fixes her top as she drove.

"Wassup baby?" I asked as I watched her.

"I came back from a meeting with Saweetie, I saw the girls for a little bit, now I'm going out to lunch" She says and runs her fingers through her hair. Again, she's so beautiful.

"What happened at the meeting?" I asked her.

"Well....I got a shoot tomorrow morning with Fashion Nova. I'm gonna be working with them all day!" She says all excited. I smiled and cheered with her.

"That's amazing Storm! I'm so happy for you" I said to her.

"Thank you honey, I'm happy too. She was breaking her back to find something for me and finally did. I'm so grateful for her" She says smiling. Seeing her smile really made me happy.

"So who you going out to lunch with?" I asked as I looked at her outfit. It was a white bodysuit with high waisted ripped jeans and a ripped jean jacket. She looked good.

"I'm going out to lunch with Kai, is that ok with you?" She asks me. Kai and I were cool. When he got back he had a boys night with me and the others. He's a cool person to be around and is very laid back. I just loved teasing him because I know he used to have a crush on Storm. But I know she'd never do something behind my back with him, if she did I'd find out.

"Yea that's ok. As long as you're back by curfew" I said to her and she twists up her face.

"Curfew? Nigga I'm grown!" She says and I started laughing.

"Grown with kids and a husband. Find your ass home by 8 o'clock" I said pointing at her.

"Boy bye. I'll come home whenever I wanna come home" She says and I gasp. She's gonna get her ass dragged home if she don't listen.

"Whatever Storm. I might invite the boys over later after I wake up from my nap. I'm tired" I said sighing.

"Ok that's fine. You're tired?" She asks me.

"Yea, I should've toke a nap earlier. How come you're not tired?" I asked her. I'm surprised she isn't cranky, she doesn't play about her sleep.

"I had a ice coffee from Starbucks after I left this morning" She says and I nodded.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now