Chapter 34

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Hours later

Storm's POV

"Babe.....babe.....Storm.....Storm!" Josh whispered yelled. I groaned and turned around. I opened one eye to look at the time 1:05am. You've got to be kidding me.

"What Josh?" I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"Let's go on an adventure" He says. What the fu-

"Josh it's one o'clock in the morning. I have to go see Saweetie tomorrow morning" I said yawning.

"Pleaseeeeeeee. It's been a while since we've done something like this" He says. It's been years! Ever since we had kids we haven't gone on a late night adventure or just gone somewhere with each other like this.

"Josh I'm tired" I said and he sighs. I feel the bed lift on his side, which means he got up. I start to drift off to sleep again before I'm picked up. This boy.

"Josh put me down" I whispered yelled as he throws me over his shoulder.

"Nope let's go" He says. He grabs our phones and the keys and we walk out of our rooms.

"Oh I need my glasses" He says and walks back into the room. When I move my head, I hit it against the wall.

"Ow" I said rubbing the spot I hit. I hear Josh laughing and then we back out the room.

"Wait! Who's gonna watch the kids?" I asked him.

"They're sleeping. Plus, we'll only be gone for a hour" He says and walks us down the stairs.

"What if something happens?" I said now worried. Someone tried to break in before, it can happen again.

"Nothing is going to happen" He says and opens the door. After he closes it, he runs towards his AMG and tosses me in the front seat. This boy.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him as he got in and we put our seatbelts on.

"Honestly, I don't know. But that's what makes all of this fun" He says smiling and starts the car. I sighed and leaned back in the seat. I'm so tired. He drives out of our driveway and we are soon on the main road. There wasn't many cars around and most places were closed.

"Everything is closed Gup" I said while yawning. Man I wanna sleep.

"Not everythinggggg!" He says loudly as we came across this 7/11 that was open. It's way to late for him to have so much energy. He drives to it and we park in the parking lot.

"Let's gooooo" He says.

"I wanna sleeepppp" I said whining. He turns to me and turns my head to him.

"If you come I'll buy you ice cream" He says smiling at me. Tempting offer.....ugh fine.

"Fine" I said taking my seat belt off. He cheered as we got out of the car and walked towards the store. He opens the door and we walk in and see this guy at the counter.

"Woah, you're Jaygup! And you're Storm Nova!" He says while fixing his glasses. We smiled and waved at him.

"Hey man, we might be here for a bit. So here you go" Josh says handing him $300.

"Thanks man. You guys go crazy" He says laughing. I laughed and Josh walked over to the chips and opened the bag and started eating them.

"What?" He asks as he sees me looking at him.

"You're just gonna open them and just eat them?" I asked him.

"I paid for it already no?" He says. Well, I guess he's right.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now