Chapter 10

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Here it comes y'all!!!!

Storm's POV

"Don't start Storm, please" He says and rubs his face.

"Start what? I asked a simple question" I said to him. He can hear in my voice how irritated I was by him.

"I would say that's my cue to go, but I think I'm going to stay right here" Star says and smiles as she sat across from us. This girl.

"My phone is just dead Storm. That's it" He says shrugging.

"What if something happened to me and I had to call you?" I ask him.

"Peyton is here too. You can call her to get to me" He says.

"Ok, what if you had to call me?" I ask him.

"Again, Peyton is here. I'd use her phone to call you" He says.

"Ok, and what if she wasn't here?" I asked him tilting my head.

"I'd send a bird with a note on it's leg" He says mocking my head movement which causes Star to laugh. She laughs loudly and I look at her.

"I'm sorry Storm, but that was funny" She says and wipes her little tear from laughing. It wasn't that funny. Storm you know you wanna laugh!

"Don't let your phone be dead while you're home Josh. Don't let it happen again" I said to him and he chuckles shaking his head.

"Sorry mom" He says and Star laughs again. I rolled my eyes and he pulls me towards him.

"I'm just playing with you ma, why are you so serious?" He says and wraps his arms around me.

"Cause I'm still mad at you" I said folding my arms. He leans down to kiss me but then stops, he then turns to Star.

"Star turn around for a second" He says.

"What am I turning around for? Nigga I'm grown" She says crossing her arms. I couldn't help but laugh.

"There is pizza in the kitchen on the counter if you want it" He says and Star jumps up and leaves. He chuckles and turns back to me. He kisses me but I don't kiss back. His sexy ass lips are so hard to resist.

"Baby, you can't be this mad at me. You've been mad at me for like weeks now" He says pouting.

"You've been acting real dumb these past few weeks" I shrugged.

"I'm sorry" He says and kisses my cheek. He sounded like a 5 year old.

"Anyways..." I said sitting up, still in his arms.

"Where's Lola, Kevin, and Marcus?" I ask him. I feel him tense and it's like the energy in the room changed. This isn't gonna end good.

"U-Uh, they are with my mom" He stuttered looking away. I squint my eyes at him as he looks away. Hmmm...

"Why are they with your mom?" I ask him slowly.

"B-Because she wanted to see them..." He says.

"So why would she wanna be with them but not Chelsey as well?" I ask him. He scratches his head and shrugs. His little story wasn't making sense.

"It's because she was already sleeping. I didn't wanna wake her up" He says and smiles weirdly. I pull his arms off of me and stand up.

"Lie again" I said pointing at him.

"Why w-would I l-lie?" He asks looking everywhere but at me.

"Josh I know you. You're stuttering and not looking at me" I said to him as I push his hand away. He's trying to pull me back down to sit beside me.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now