Chapter 25

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Hey loves, Lala here! I have a question. Who do you guys think is gonna be in the draft this year?

Storm's POV

When I get to the front door I open it but then it's instantly slammed shut right in my face. I turned around and groan. I'm so mad right now I don't know what to do. Imagine already being mad and just getting fuel added to the fire.

"You're not going anywhere Storm!" Josh yelled. I can see the anger in his eyes. Well guess what Josh, I'm just as mad as you are.

"I'm going to get my children from the bitch you left them with" I said and turn around but he turns me back around.

"You're dodging this letter like you were trying to hide it from me or something" He says and I started laughing. I then realize that all of our friends were watching us argue.

"Oh please. I have no reason to hide anything from you" I said.

"So explain this Storm!" He yells waving the piece of paper in his hand.

"There's nothing to explain Josh! Whatever you read is what you read!" I yelled throwing my arms up.

"Ayo what does it say? I wanna know" Dior says and I rolled my eyes. Here we go.

"You wanna know Dior??? I'll gladly read it to you" Josh says with a smile on his face.

Dear Melo,

Man, things aren't the same without you. Words can't explain how much I miss you. I miss your laugh, I miss your jokes, I miss your touch, I miss your forehead kisses, I miss your smile, but most importantly, I miss you being there for me. I miss you being at my side when something was wrong or if I just needed company. I remember the times after all of your heartbreaks, I'd come over after work and let you cry on my shoulder and listen to you say why girls ain't shit. Man I wish I can do that again. I remember you always being there when no one else was, when it came to me just needing a good laugh, someone to grab a bite with, someone to cry with, or even just a phone call. It was always you and I thank you. Even that amazing moment we shared in your room that night, I knew that you'd never leave me. But here we are today, and you're not here. I'm sorry, it's my fault that you got shot and if I can change how things turned out, I would. But sadly I can't. I'm glad I was the one who you shared your last everything with and final moments. I'll never forget our last laugh, our last argument, our last hug, or last kiss. I promise to follow through with your requests and keep our promise. Rip my amazing best friend. No one can ever replace you, king.

I love you❤️

He read out and everyone looks at me. I look at Peyton and she just looks away from me. She then gets up and walks away.

"Peyton" I said but she ignores me and continues to walk away. Oh no...

"Wow Storm, some best friends you guy were" Dior chuckles and I glare at him.

"Shut up Dior" I said and he goes quiet. I then turn to Josh.

"Thank you for sharing your amazing reading skills Josh. That was beautiful" I said sarcastically while clapping.

"This isn't funny Storm" He says shaking his head at me.

"What's your issue! Tell me!" I said while I walked up to him.

"My issue is that I was always right about Melo and you. It's always "Oh I don't want Melo", "Melo doesn't want me". But yet y'all was fucking on the lows and no one knew" He chuckles shaking his head. I bit my lip looking down.

"Why didn't you tell us you and Melo had a thing?" Mikey asks

"Melo and I never had anything going on" I said looking down.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now