Chapter 26

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Storm's POV

I arrived at Cali's building and was currently walking towards her door. I had Chelseys stroller with me because I had a feeling I might need it. I was trying to calm myself down because I didn't want the kids knowing I was mad. I really hope Cali doesn't try to me tonight. It's not a good time. I knocked on her door and waited for to her answer. When she opened the door, she looked at me and started laughing. What's funny bitch?

"Awww you're back already? I was having so much fun while you were gone" She says and opens the door wider for me to walk in.

"I don't have time for you Cali, I'm not in the mood" I said to her.

"Oh boo hoo. I'm sure Josh can make you feel all better" She says and smirks at me. First button pushed...

"Where are the kids?" I asked her.

"Sleeping obviously, it's like 10" She says.

"I came to get them" I said to her.

"While they are sleeping? Out of all the times you've could've came. Mother of the year award definitely goes to you" She says sarcastically.

"Pshh you wish you had that award" I said rolling my eyes and she cuts her eyes at me.

"I'll leave Kevin, Marcus, and Lola with you. But I'll take Chelsey" I said and she shrugs.

"Sure, I'll get her for you" She says and walks away. She walks into a room and then comes out holding Chelsey. I instantly take her from her and put her in her stroller. She lays there sleeping soundly.

"Ok I'll be gone now" I said as I turned around.

"Um hello, I'm waiting for my thank you" She says. Second button pushed...

"A thank you?" I asked her as I turned around.

"Yes a thank you" She says and puts her hand on her hips.

"Why would I thank you Cali?" I asked her. She must be out of her damn mind.

"Because I didn't have to watch her, she's not my child" She says and I scoffed. You're real close to that last button Cali....keep going.

"You're right she isn't, and never will be. You could've told Josh no but didn't want to because you just adore him so much" I said waving my hands.

"It's because he needed me thats why" She says smirking. I'm sorry...was I supposed to feel a way?

"Oh please. Josh could've brought her to anyone else. He wanted to keep her with her siblings" I said to her.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I wouldn't have to if her mama didn't run away for a bit" She says slickly. Keep going I can knock the shit outta you.

"What I choose to do isn't your business Cali" I said walking up to her.

"It becomes my business once I'm stuck watching your child. Do better you mental bitch" She says tilting her head. Button...pushed!

The next thing you know, I punch her right in her nose. She falls back onto the couch and gasps.

"Call me a mental bitch one more time" I said to her. She touches her nose as she sees it bleeding. As I look at her nose, bruises start to form around it. Good job Storm!

"You h-hit me..." She says slowly.

"Yes I did, and I'll do it again" I said to her.

"You have no idea what you just started, I'm gonna ruin you Storm" She pointing at me.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now