Chapter 2

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Storm's POV

"Do you want me to feed you?" I asked Chelsey.

"No mama" She says and grabs her spoon and feeds herself. I sat down with the kids as they ate breakfast. They were going to school today. Well, only Lola and the twins were going. Josh and I kept them in regular schools because they deserved regular lives.

"Cmon guys you're going to be late" I said looking at the time on my phone.

"Ok Storm" Lola says and grabs her bowl and puts it in the sink. The boys follow and do the same. I get up as well and walk towards the door grabbing their bags. When they walked over, they put their shoes on and grab their bags from me.

"Remember to behave" I said pointing to the boys.

"How come you only tell us that and not Lola?" Kevin asks.

"Because I don't get calls saying Lola goofs off in class" I said to him.

"She has a point" Marcus says shrugging. I then hug the three of them and kiss their heads.

"I love you guys" I say to them. They smiled at me and Kevin holds my hand.

"We love you too. Bye Storm! Bye Chelsey!" They said and Chelsey waves at them. I open the door for them and they get into their private ride to school. Josh has one of his trusted drivers drive them to school, practices, and back home. I watched them get into the car and drive off.

"Morning Storm, morning Chelsey" I heard behind me. I turned around and seen Peyton with LJ in her arms.

"Morning Peyton" I said walking up to her. We share a hug and then I look at LJ and kissed his cheek.

"Hi my little boy" I said to LJ.

"Hi auntie" He smiles and reaches over to me. I grabbed him and held him in my arms.

"What's your plan for today?" Peyton asks me.

"Stay home, clean, might do some online shopping, wait for the kids to come back from school" I said shrugging.

"Do you ever miss work?" She asks and takes a seat around the table, beside Chelsey.

"I miss it more then ever" I said honestly. It gets boring being at home and doing the same things everyday. Every. Single. Day.

"So why don't you start working again?" She asks me. I look at her before looking down. Erm...

"Because....the kids-" I started but she laughed.

"Oh please Storm. Come up with a better excuse" She says and smirks at me crossing her arms. I sighed and sat LJ down on the counter.

"I can't believe you just tried to lie to me. You know I know you to well" She says. I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee.

"Sometimes I wish you didn't" I said rolling my eyes.

"Be honest with me, please" She says.

"I'm just scared to show myself to the world again" I said honestly. I was terrified, I went from most loved to most hated.

"Well I mean, you don't technically have to. Pop up at your shop to restock every once in a while. Do private shoots with trust worthy teams. And you check your emails and work from home. It's possible Storm" She says. I stood there thinking about what she said. Maybe she was was possible.

"I guess you're right Peyton. And plus, money gots to be made right?" I said to her and she nodded.

"Yup, money worth 2 years. Plus I think you're ready to go back" She says. Am I ready?

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