Chapter 17

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Storm's POV

"I would become a stripper!" Miya said as we sat in the VIP area of the strip club. Shaqir decided this is where we would go to celebrate his win. Of course he picked the strip club.

"Me too. They make moneyyy" Star says as she sips her drink.

"I could never, not in those heels" Luzzy says pointing to one of the strippers. She wore these neon pink 9" heels. I would definitely brake my ankles in those.

I looked down the balcony and see the boys in front of some strippers. We let them have their fun and do what they wanna do, as long as they keep their hands to themselves. Josh just has to be careful with the choices he makes. He got a one two lap dance already by one of the dancers. He made sure to keep his hands to himself while everyone else was all over each other. That's a good boy.

"Storm remember that one time we were at the club and you were dancing on the pole?" Luzzy says laughing. Which made me laugh. Ahhh memories.

"Ahhh yes. Good times" I smiled as I grabbed my third shot. Josh told me not to drink tonight because it's my first time drinking know. But honestly after the stressful weeks I've had, a drink is something I need. Plus I can handle my drinking, I'll be fine.

"Guys can you believe Storm doesn't party or dance anymore" Star says. All of the girls turns to me. 

"There's no way" Heaven says.

"I don't. It's not really my thing anymore" I said shrugging.

"You better get yo ass up and dance Storm" Luzzy says. I giggled and shook my head.

"Nope" I said.

"What's gonna convince you to dance Storm?" Miya asks me. I sit their thinking before looking at her.

"A good song" I shrugged. She nods and stands up.

"Where are you going?" Star smirked at her.

"I'll be back" She winked before walking down the stairs. Oh no.

"What is she up to?" Heaven says laughing. I just shrugged.

"Can you believe Sharife said she wasn't like us? She even recommended for us to drink the only drinks that have the highest percentage of alcohol" Star said and we all laughed. Miya was a wild girl. I enjoyed her.

"Sharife doesn't know who he's with" Luzzy says. As I was watching everyone down stairs, I see one of the strippers whisper something to Mikey.

"Luz look" I said tapping her leg. She turns to me and I point towards Mikey. He nods at the stripper and they stand up and she leads him into one of the private rooms. I look at Luzzy and I see the hurt in her face. She then shrugs and grabs her drink. What?

"I don't care. He can do what he wants" She says and drinks her drink while she watched him.

"Did you guys talk things out?" I ask her.

"Yup, and it resulted to us breaking up and me moving out" She says.

"Why would you move out of your own house?" I ask her. That's stupid.

"One of us has to go. Plus he refused to leave so I'm leaving" She says. As I looked at her, my eyes widen as I realized what she was doing.

"Oh my gosh Luzzy! You can't drink!" I said snatching the drink out of her hand. She groaned and tried to grab it back.

"Girl it's just lemonade. I'm not that dumb" She says and reaches over for the cup. I push her back and take a sip from it. Oh.

"Fine, take your juice" I said giving her back the cup. She rolled her eyes and looked down.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now