Chapter 59

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Oh babyyyyy the drama! Hold on to your seatssssss!

Storm's POV

I sat in my room and put the cd in the tv. Before I went home, I dropped the kids to Josh's parents and the girls and I came back to my place. The boys were almost here and we were gonna have a group discussion. I convinced Luzzy that she should give Mikey the chance to talk, but no matter what she is still leaving him. Her mind is made up.

"Hey Storm, man there's a lot going on for you and your group of friends. You know what they say about athletes though, so I guess you can't be that surprised" She says giggling.

"I have your third step for you. Tell the detective that you're working with about Cali's drug addiction and that she's still taking them. She is now plotting on you Storm and let me tell you, what she's planning is gonna ruin you forever. Get to her before she gets to you! And your kids" She says.

"I also have more information for you, this is why Cali is so angry at you. Guess who her baby father is?" She says then opens her folder.

"Remember Don? And get this, you have their kids" She smirks. My mouth falls open as I stared at the screen. My heart....

"And get THIS! Josh found this out when he found out Cali was the kids mother" She says. My eyes start to water and I feel my heart beat quicken. I have D's kids....omg!

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said covering my mouth....H-How can Josh not tell me?

"But that's besides the point. Those kids are amazing and you definitely saved them from their crazy parents. But that's your task. If you succeed I'll do a face reveal. Until then, Byeeee" She says and the video shuts off. I start to feel that pain in my chest again and I think it's worse. What is wrong with me?

"Oh my gosh..." I said. I blink away my tears and try to comprehend what I just heard. Not I have Cali's kids....they're D's as well. WHAT THE FUCK!!! Cali has to know what happened and she has to know I'm the reason why D is dead. Oh my goshhhh!

"I need some water" I said and turned the tv off. I grab my phone and walk downstairs. Before I went downstairs, I heard a lot of commotion going on.

"Fuck all of you!" Luzzy says.

"Fuck us? Your making it seem like we cheated on you!" I heard Dior say. I breathed in and out as my chest continued to pain me. The thought of me having some type of connection to D is making me SICK. I proceeded downstairs and walked over to the kitchen.

"Storm come here!" I heard Star call. I sighed and grabbed my water bottle. I walked to the living room and seen the boys on one side, and the girls on another side.

"Damn, you look horrible. You good?" Dior says. I rolled my eyes and sat beside Heaven.

"You ok?" She asks me.

"Yea, my chest just feels weird" I told her and she gives me a worried look.

"Are you having pain again?" She asks me.

"No, look I'm fine ok" I told her and she sighs.

"You guys are foul, I should beat y'all's asses" Star says.

"You're taking all of this so far for no reason" Shaqir says rolling his eyes.

"Luzzy can we go talk?" Mikey asks her. We looked at the two and she rolls her eyes. She stands up and he follows her. When he opens the door for her. His hand touches her back and she turns around.

"Back the fuck up when you're walking beside me. I'm ready to sock you right now" We heard her say to him. That made me laugh a bit.

"If y'all was just loyal to your girls, none of this would be happening" Caleb says and takes a seat. I just noticed Pat was here.

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