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It was one of those days in Korea, where winter really hits you hard. The snow fell down heavily and gathered up in the sidewalks, making it hard to walk through the crowds. Not to mention the roads and sidewalks were icy, so someone would occasionally slip and bump to the nearest person to them. 

Huffing, I checked my watch, heart accelerating as I saw the hand tick past 7. I was one minute late for my shift already!

Quickening my pace carefully, I sighed in relief as the sliding doors of the hospital came in view. It engulfed me and I inhaled the warmth surrounding me as people bustled around the reception. 

" You're late," a teasing voice said behind me. I turned around to see the only other person that was nearly the same age as me, Soobin. 

He was, like me, in his uniform, and was holding two coffee cups, one each in his hands. We started walking to our unit, him handing me one of the coffee cups. I smiled at him, grateful. I needed coffee in early mornings like this. 

I made a face at his earlier comment. " It's not like you're not late as well."

" True," he frowns, thinking about my logic. I laughed, shaking my head as we entered the staff's room and saw the rest of the nurses there. All in all, there were four of us working this morning; Jisoo, Jennie, Soobin and I. 

Jisoo and Jennie have been my unnies ever since I've met them. Jisoo-unnie was engaged while Jennie-unnie was expecting her first baby after her honeymoon at Paris two months ago. 

They were talking as we entered the room, and only turned around when Soobin-oppa came up to Jisoo-unnie, scaring her. 

" Yah! Soobin! Don't do that!" she scolds, turning around and hitting Soobin. He just laughs, shaking his head as he wraps his arms around Jennie-unnie, who had placed her hand on her chest, looking terrified. 

" Sorry, noonas. Good morning!" he said brightly. Jennie-unnie mumbles something her breath, walking over to me and taking my bag from my shoulders. 

" Aish, you'll never grow up, will you?" she asks, rubbing her small baby bump and placing my bag on the bag hooks. Soobin shrugs, sipping on his coffee. 

" Nope! I'm going to stay this young and innocent!" he chirps. Jisoo-unnie snorts. 

" Trust me, kid. You're anything but innocent. Ask your girlfriend, she'll agree," Jisoo-unnie says. Soobin blushes at the mention of Rosé. We all know he was planning this romantic getaway for the two of them so that he can finally propose, but Rosé-unnie and Soobin-oppa was always so busy, he's still quite stuck to where they would be going. 

" Anyways, we're gonna be a bit busy today. We've got a new child here and Y/N's been assigned to her. She's only four years old, but she's well behaved. She's got a huge fever and has lost her voice, so her cousin brought her," Jennie-unnie says. I walked over to the files of our patients, getting the most recent one out. Kim Aera. 

" You also have the other two, Y/N-ie. Jae and Jung-hoon. They've been asking for you, and it's just quarter past 7," Jisoo-unnie asks. I grinned at them.

" What can I say, I'm completely loveable," I said, drinking my now-cold coffee all in one gulp and  throwing the paper cup in the recycling. Placing the file on Aera back on the desk, I attached my ID on my uniform and touched up my hair, making sure it wasn't going to be in the way while I work today. 

" Well, I'm gonna go and look after these little ones. Holler if you need me!" I said over my shoulder as I walked through the door where the corridor of the paediatric ward was. 

I could hear the little ones laughing as they ate their breakfast, sharing their dreams with one another. A smile appeared on my face and I visibly relaxed, not minding where I was going, when I collided with a hard figure. 

" Oof!" I squealed, closing my eyes as I tried to get ready for the impact of the ground. It didn't come. Opening my eyes, I saw that the hard figure had captured me, smiling a very boxy smile as he looks down at me. My breath hitched. 

" I am so sorry, Miss," he said, straightening me up and letting go of me. I shook my head, trying to hide my flushing cheeks.

" No, no! It's fine! I should be the one who's sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I panted. He smiled at me. I shuffled my feet, walking towards the nearest door. 

" Thank you, for catching me. Bye," I said, opening the door and stepping inside, hand going over my poor pounding heart. 

Looking down at my right arm, I traced a finger along the flowers of my soulmates, whom I yet needed to meet. One tiger flower, one carolina allspice, one spirea, one buttercup, one clematis, one larch, and one rumex. All of them connected by a single vine, spiralling up my arm. 

My finger rested on the Carolina allspice, and my heart started beating wildly again. My breath hitched. What was wrong with me?

I shook out of it as I heard Jae's and Jung-hoon's excited shout of my name. I looked up, seeing them sitting up on their bed, looking small and vulnerable as they ate their food, being attached to huge machines.

" Noona! You're here!" Jae said, his brown eyes beaming. He made grabby hands at me and I couldn't help but smile. 

" Hello, rascals! How are you today?" I asked brightly. Seeing these two brothers always seemed to brighten up my day.

" I'm good!" Jung-hoon says.

" Me too!" Jae copies his older brother. I made my way to Jae first, ruffling his hair gently and checking his report that the other nurse from last night had given me. Everything was looking good, so I placed a sweet kiss on Jae's forehead. He giggles, shoving a spoonful of food in his mouth. 

" Careful, little rascal. You have all day to eat. Now, how's the older brother?" I said, switching my attention to Jung-hoon. He sits up straighter in his bed, but he still looked small and vulnerable. 

" I'm good, noona!" he repeats as I read his report. All good as well. I placed a sweet kiss on his forehead. 

" What were you talking about before I came in?" I asked, sitting on Jung-hoon's bed and ticking some things off the report. 

" We were talking about the male that had dropped off the new girl. He has seven tattoos like you, noona!" Jae whispers none too quietly. He was actually yelling it out. I winced inwardly. Jae can be a handful sometimes. 

" Really? How did you know?" I asked Jae sweetly. 

" Because we saw it, right, hyung?" Jae says to Jung-hoon. I looked up from the paper to see Jung-hoon nod.

" Jae-ssi is right, noona. And then we asked him about it, and he told us he has found six out of seven out of his soulmates! They are all living together, the man had said," Jung-hoon says. 

" Hmm, well, we shouldn't bother other people from now on, alright? It's their business with their soulmates, not ours, okay?" I told them, a word not going inside my ear as I looked at the twins. Jae and Jung-hoon pouts. 

" But noona-!" 

" No buts."

" But what if he's your soulmate?" Jae asks with wide bright eyes. I shook my head. 

" Ani... he can't be."

" And why is that, noona?" 

" I don't know."

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