kim aera and kim taehyung

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" Annyeong, unnie," a soft voice said as I entered the room of the new patient. I closed the door behind me, seeing a sweet, young toddler sitting up on the bed, covering her mouth as she coughs. Not bothering on closing the door, I rushed to her, worried. 

She gave me a soft smile as I neared the glass of water on her lips and she took a huge sip. She nodded her head in thanks. 

Grabbing the thermometer from one of my pockets, I gently instructed her to open her mouth so that I can place it, checking on her temperature. I didn't hear the door open as I was preoccupied with checking this little ones' report. A high fever, lost of voice, and itchy eyes. 

I laid her back down, and she sighs in relief as she closes her eyes. Placing the report back on the sleeve of the foot of her bed, I turned around and saw the boxy-smiling man from earlier, standing with another man, who had a confused bunny smile. 

I jumped, startled, before bowing respectfully. 

" I'm sorry, sirs! I didn't know you were here!" I exclaimed, face flushing. " I have just checked Aera's vitals, and everything is in order," I said, straightening up and looking anywhere but the two men. 

The boxy smiling man comes over, going to the window and taking a seat near the young girl. The other man followed him, looking at my wrists and seeing my tattoos of my soulmates, he's eyes widening. My face fell unexpectedly at his reaction. 

Sighing, I walked towards the room. " I'll be on my way now. I will check up on her once again when she has her lunch."

I opened the door and stepped out before I can hear their replies. My heart ached at the reaction of the man I barely knew, seeing his eyes widened at the sight of my seven soulmate tattoos. 

You see, it was very uncommon for someone to have seven soulmates. Most people have one, and some had the occasional two or three. But I have seven. Seven soulmates who I have no idea who they are. If they were still looking for me. If they thought of me as I thought of them. If they have already found each other. 

" Y/N? What are you doing?" Jennie-unnie's voice snapped me out of my sad daydream. I looked up, seeing her waddle down the corridor with both of her hands on her baby bump. I scrambled away from the door, looking down at my arm to look at my tattoos. 

" I.. I was..." I stuttered. Jennie-unnie comes over to me, wrapping one arm around me. 

" Is something wrong, little dongsaeng?" she asks. I shook my head. 

" Ani... I was just thinking, I guess," I said softly as she and I walked back to the staff room. Jennie-unnie scoff. 

" Just thinking? You looked absolutely distraught, Y/N. Why?" she asked, leading me to a chair and gently pushing me into it. I slouched. 

" Nothing, unnie! It's nothing!" I weakly said, looking down on my tattoos once more. Jennie-unnie narrows her eyes and looks down at my tattoos as well. Her gaze softened. She sat down in front of my, holding my hands. 

" If this is about your soulmates, Y/N-ie. Don't worry, you'll find them soon," she coos. 

" But I can't stand it when people silently judge me for having seven soulmates tattoos on my arm!" I cried out. The door opens and I heard the laughter of Jisoo-unnie and Soobin-oppa. They stopped their laughter as they saw Jennie-unnie and I. Soobin-oppa rushes to me while Jisoo-unnie gets my water bottle from my back. 

" Who judged you?" Jennie-unnie asks with a steel cold voice. 

" What's wrong, dongsaeng?" Soobin-oppa asks worriedly. 

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