the others

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"Hyungs, meet our baby soulmate. Surprise!" Jungkook exclaims. The five older men's face changed to their previous expressions to one that they all had: happiness. The man who kind of looks like an adorable cat looked expressionless except for the small twinkle in his eyes.

I felt my face flushing, looking down at my shoes shyly. Taehyung and Jungkook was still very close to me and I swear they could hear my heartbeat flying. I looked up as the closet man to us, a very sunshine-handsome looking man with a bright smile bounded over, his eyes flashing pearly white. I was blinded temporarily. When I blinked, the man was in front of me, smiling gently, but widely. He had brown permed hair and kind eyes. Holding out his hand for me to shake, his eyes did nothing but twinkle. 

" I'm Hoseok, yeobo," he said brightly. I shook his hand and as I did, a faint glow from one of my tattoos shone. Looking down, I saw that it was the buttercup. Hoseok took a step back, grinning as he walked back to his original spot. 

Another one of the man came and stood in front of me. This man had dimples and platinum-purple-ish hair. He was also very handsome and quite tall. He towered easily over my 5'' height so I had to look up and gaze at him through my eyelashes. He held his hand out as well. 

" I'm Namjoon," he said, smiling shyly and flashing his dimpled smile at me. I cooed inwardly and shook his hand, igniting a small purple light from my tattoo of clematis and a small light from his Christmas rose. His hand fell from mine and dropped back to my side. Namjoon moved over to let the next man come over and introduce himself. 

This one had a very handsome face, and he was slightly more handsome than the others. He had plump lips and a smirk on his face. Instead of holding out his hand for me to shake, he swooped in for a small kiss on my cheek and held my hand. " I'm Seokjin, beautiful." 

Seokjin was gently pushed away from me and in front of me was a man that was only slightly taller than me, his eyes crinkled in small crescent moons as he smiles down at me. He reminded me of a little mochi. 

" Hi! I'm Jimin!" he said, grabbing my hand and gently shaking it numerous times. Sparks flew and the spirea on my arm glowed. Jimmy beamed at the sight, placing a small kiss on my hand. I flushed. By this time, Taehyung and Jungkook had returned to their seats and are watching the interactions between the other men with adoration. 

Jimin moved away for the last man to come over and introduce himself. I looked up to see twinkling eyes yet expressionless face. This man was coldly handsome and there was something about him that made me intimated, yet safe feeling. He touched my hand, determining that he was my last soulmate, and said, " I'm Yoongi."

He then walked back to his seat. Jimin shot me an apologetic smile, opening his mouth to say something, but I had averted my gaze from any of the men and instead it landed on my patient, who was looking at me with a soft smile yet trying not to cough. 

I tucked the clipboard under my arm, rushing past Jimin and placing my hand on Aera's forehead, feeling a frown on my face. " Aera, are you feeling a little bit warm?" I asked. 

She nodded. Straightening up, I took my mini flashlight from my breast pocket and turned it on. I lifted Aera's chin gently, telling her to open her mouth gently. Peering into her mouth to see her tonsils, I flashed the light. 

" It's getting smaller, so maybe it's just a bit warm here, don't you think?" I said softly, turning off my flashlight and putting it back. Aera nods. I grabbed the glass of water on her table and helped drink some.  Placing the glass back, I took my clipboard back from under my arms to my hands and turned around. Some of the men were still standing, observing me. I blushed, bowing.

" Anny..annyeong. I'm Y/N... and I'm 19 years old," I said softly. 

" Omo, so adorable!" Hoseok-oppa's voice said. 

" Don't bow, beautiful. We're soulmates. We don't need to be so formal," Seokjin-oppa's voice said. I nodded. 

" Ne.." I said, checking the time. " I have to go. It's handover time soon and I need to fill up the report of today."

Keeping my gaze to the ground, I manoeuvred around the room. Just as I was about to get out of the room, a hand circled around mine, stopping me and turning me around. I squeaked, the momentum turning me around so that I was face to face with Jimin-oppa. 

" Are you free tonight?" he asked, his voice husky. I gulped, licking my lips wet and nodding. 

" Ne.. I'm free every day after work," I whispered, immediately regretting it as soon it slipped. "But Soobin-oppa and Jennie-unnie and Jason-unnie might do something with me later, I don't know."

" Oh. Alright," Jimin says, letting go of me. I spun around, hand meeting the handle and opening the door, practically flying through the gap and closing the door. My hand rested on my beating chest, gasping for breath I desperately needed.

Earlier today, both Taehyung-oppa and Jungkook-oppa had said that the other five soulmates were a handful and are very quite handsome. I still haven't warmed up to the idea of having met my soulmates, so I guess you can say I'm awkward about it. Seven grown, handsome men were my soulmates. Whom I have been waiting for my whole entire life. And now they were here, I feel as though I was leaving a dark chapter behind and walking into a new one in my life. 

But for some reason, I had a feeling it wasn't going to be all rainbows and sunshine.

a/n aannnnnddd it's out! sorry for the wait, ARMYs! here is the next chapter of Us! I hope you like it and I promise you, in the chapters to come, our boys will be shown frequently and you will learn more about Y/N's past and life

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a/n aannnnnddd it's out! sorry for the wait, ARMYs! here is the next chapter of Us! I hope you like it and I promise you, in the chapters to come, our boys will be shown frequently and you will learn more about Y/N's past and life.

borahae and keep safe ARMYs! 💜💜💜

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