joonwoo-oppa & imo mia

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I sat on the drivers seat of our car outside the condo of Joonwoo-oppa, debating whether I should tell him that I was outside and I wanted to talk to him. No, not wanted... needed. Sighing, I made up my mind, sending a quick message to him and waiting for a couple of minutes before he sent a reply to me. 

Getting out of the car, I locked the doors, and walked over to the front door of his condo just as the door opens. His unique eyes looked into mine and he gave me a warm, gentle smile. Opening his arms, I stepped into them, inhaling the sweet peppermint and a touch of cinnamon of his scent. 

" Hi, Boo. Come in, Yeji-ah's with her parents right now."

I nodded, stepping out of his embrace and walking inside his condo, slipping off my shoes and putting on some of his house slippers on. He led me to the living room, where the TV was paused on his favourite show, Harry Potter.  I smiled at the scene, remembering the way that, when we were younger, he would always bug my parents and I to watch Harry Potter with him. It got to the point that I was slowly falling in love with the books and movies, but once Mia had done her damage, I couldn't think of the books and movies the same when the face of my older brother and my parents would prop up every time. 

Oppa led me to the couch, letting me sit and he sat next to me, looking at me intently. He searched my face and nodded to himself, inwardly telling himself something. " I'm assuming you came here to talk about that message?"

I nodded, looking down at my twiddling thumbs as the same time I bit my lip. I circled my mind for words to describe what I wanted to say, but I couldn't. Sighing, I shook my head, curling to myself as I looked around the room. Perhaps I should start from the beginning. 

" When Imo was still part of our family, I remember always being so happy. You know how she would always give me the best gifts, the biggest hugs and the nicest smiles whenever she was with us. She was like our second mother. She would get along with Eomma and Appa and not once did she get angry with us. Even the time that we painted her carpet pink and blue," I said, recalling one of the bittersweet memories I had with Imo. Joonwoo chuckled gently, his eyes flashing as he nods, also recalling that bittersweet memory with Imo. 

" I loved her as my aunt. I loved her as my anchor. She was the first one to be there when I lost Stitch, do you remember? All those memories with her, I don't know how to feel. I was stupid enough to think that she would've changed after all those years in prison... it was wishful thinking, but it would've been so nice if she did change. Now.. I don't know if I can ever see that side of Imo.. the fun, loving, caring and smiling side of her." 

Oppa looks at me with sincerity ins eyes. He takes a small breath, exhaling softly as he nods. " I know, Y/N. I kinda miss her, too. But she's going to be sent to jail for a lifetime now. There's nothing to do except say goodbye. I mean.. for some reason, I want to do it. I want to say goodbye. I want her to know the pain and suffering that she put us both into, but I want her to know.. that even though she did all those things... she'll still be our Aunt. She'll still have the blood of Eomma in her. I want her to know, that if she had changed, I would've been happy to rebuild everything with her. Slowly and gently. But the best thing we can do is to say goodbye to her."

I bit my bottom lip, small bittersweet tears running down my cheeks. I remember the hugs of Imo, the scent of her. I remembered the twinkling laughter of her as she looked at Joonwoo and I, babysitting us during the afternoons after school. I remembered her dancing to songs as she encouraged Joonwoo and I to dance with her. Although she was the killer of my parents, I still had that connection with her. I couldn't help but I sometimes remember her as the loving Aunt I had when I was little. I couldn't help but remember the time when she was loved and when she had loved others.

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