back to work

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Monday is here and I'm off to work. My soulmates all gave me warm hugs and a packed lunch as I made my way to the car. Waving 'see you later' to them, I reversed out of the car and made my way to the hospital. 

Despite of the sad weekend that had just came, I found myself getting excited at the fact that I was going to be seeing Jae and Junghoon. It's been too long and I've missed my little rascals. 

Arriving at the hospital, I all but ran to the ward and into the staff room, smiling at my unnies and oppa who gave me a startled but happy look. I rushed over to each and one of them, giving them warm hugs. It was hard to give Jennie-unnie a hug when she was getting so big. 

" Hi unnies! Hi oppa!" I said. Jisoo-unnie comes over to me and gives me a warm big hug. 

" Hi, Y/N-ie. How are you?" she asked. I shrugged. 

" I'm fine. Better than I was before. Now, I'm off to see Jae and Junghoon!" I said, wiggling out of her embrace and walking out of the staff room, hearing them complain. Giggling, I grabbed my clipboard and made my way to the room of the brothers.

I smiled as I see them playing Scrabble on Junghoon's bed. Their heads whipped to look up at me as I entered the room and they immediately burst into tears. I frowned, rushing over to them as I closed the door.

" No-noona!" they both said with waterfalls cascading down their cheeks. I wrapped my arms both of them, cradling them both in my arms as I chuckled gently, feeling my own tears run down my cheeks. 

" You're okay?" I asked both of them. They nodded, sobbing. 

" Ye-yeah, b-but yo-you we-weren't! I'm sorry!" Junghoon says. My heart broke at his words and I placed sweet kisses on his forehead and his little brother. 

" It's alright. I'm fine now and you are too. You shouldn't be sorry," I said. Jae looks up at me with teary eyes. 

" You were gone for so long, noona. We were so scared," he whispers, hiding his face into my chest. I sighed gently. 

" I know. I needed to get healthy before I can come back to work and take care of you little rascals. I'm sorry for worrying you both, but I'm fine now. Now, it's time for your checkup..." I trailed off as I looked at their reports, my heart breaking and my world coming down. 

Jae and Junghoon looks at me with watery eyes and sad smiles. 

" No one told you?" Junghoon asks gently, wiping his tears away. I shook my head, giving them sad but bright smiles. 

" You're both going to leave me, huh?" I asked, my tears flowing down more freely now. Jae reaches up and wipes my tears away from my cheeks. 

" Don't worry. We're better now. Our parents says that we don't have to be here anymore. If something goes wrong, they'll rush us back here," he says. I smiled down at them. 

" Aish, I'm going to miss you both. You better come and visit me, alright?" I said, hugging the two of them tight to my chest. I hear both of them chuckle with sadness traced in their voices. 

" We will, noona. Everyday, if you want us to," Junghoon says with a teasing spirit in his voice. I chuckled. 

" Not everyday. Maybe, every two days?" I asked. They both laughed and giggled. I cupped their cheeks, giving them soft kisses on the top of their heads. They nodded. 

" Alright, I'm going to do my rounds and then I'll be back by lunch, alright?" I said to them. They both nodded, standing up and walking over to the door. The two of them bundled once more, wiping their tears away as they continued to play their round of Scrabble. I savoured the memory of them on that bed, knowing that I was going to miss the two little rascals of my life. 

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