tiring memories

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Beom and Lisa dropped me off at my condo by quarter to 3. They walked me to my doorstep, giving me a reassuring hug before they waved from their car, driving carefully down the driveway. Sighing, I turned around, inserting my thumb print on my door lock and twisting the door handle open, walking in my condo and closing the door behind me. 

Taking off my shoes and coat, I walked to the kitchen, placing my iPhone 11 and wallet on the kitchen bench before going over and grabbing a glass, filling it with water and gulping it down. Closing my eyes harshly, I placed the glass on the counter, putting both of my hand in front of me as memories flooded through my mind. 

My breath hitched as I remember the screaming of Eomma, begging her older sister to stop. I remember the sickening thud of a body as Appa screamed. I remember my older brother and I have been hiding under his bed, his arms tight around me. I remember not knowing what was happening, thinking that this was one of the pranks Eomma, Appa and Imo would pull. I remember Oppa telling me that everything was going to be alright, before he and I were pulled by our legs from under the bed. I remember screaming as Oppa was taken away from me. 

My eyes flew open as my phone started ringing. I didn't realise that I had fallen to the ground, crying softly as I recollected the horrid memories of that day. Scrambling up to my feet, I grabbed my phone off the bench, not bothering to check the caller ID. 

" An-ann-yeong?" I hiccuped. 

" Y/N-ah? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Soobin-oppa's voice asked in the other side of the phone. I wiped my nose gently. 

" Ani... I'm fine," I said gently, walking around the kitchen island bench and sitting on one of the kitchen stools. " Is something wrong?"

" Ani.. I'm just checking up on you," Soobin-oppa says hesitantly. I rolled my eyes gently, now wiping my cheeks. 

" What do you need advice with, oppa?" I asked. 

" How did you know I was going to ask for advice?" 

" Because, you're doing that voice where you need advice, but you don't know how to ask for it," I said. He huffed.

" Yeah, yeah. So, Rosé's mad at me, and I don't know how to make it better!" he hisses.

" Why are you asking me?! I know nothing about soulmate issues. You should remember I'm still quite new to this," I reasoned. He groaned. 

" Right, fine. I guess I'll try Noonas then. And are you sure you're alright? You sound as though you've been crying," he asks. 

" I'm fine, oppa. Thanks for asking," I said monotonously. 

" Alright... bye," he said, and I hanged up. I placed the phone back on the counter, sighing, putting both of my arms on the counter and my forehead on my hands. 

Sniffling, I took deep breaths. It's gonna be fine. Nothing's going to happen to me. Nothing. Surely she would've changed during her time in prison, right? Surely she's learnt her lesson. 



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