beautiful mistakes

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I woke up the next morning by rushing into the bathroom and heaving the contents of my stomach once more. I heard the rustling of my soulmates on the bed and the frantic pitter patter of their feet across the carpet. 

I felt hands clutching my hair gently and some hands rubbing my back gently as I heaved over the toilet bowl. I closed my eyes as I leaned back, hands going blindly to flush the toilet. I felt a tissue wipe my mouth gently. 

I stood up, walking over to the sink and grabbing the mouth wash, seeing as my toothbrush wasn't in this bathroom. 

Kweanchana, sunshine?" Hoba asks with his raspy morning voice. I nodded gently. " Do you feel any better from yesterday?"

I made a seesaw motion with my hand. " I feel a little bit better, but, I still have no idea why I'm vomiting so much."

" I can book an appointment for you to see our Doctor today afternoon, if you want? We can get some medication for vomiting or something?" Jinnie asked. I nodded gently. 

" I would like that," I said softly, rubbing my eyes and yawning. 

" Tired still, jagiya?" Taetae asked gently. I nodded. 

" I feel like I could sleep forever," I mumbled, as arms went around my waist, leading me back to the bed and placing me in the middle. 

" Sleep, Button. We'll wake you up when breakfast is ready. It's only 7 am," Koo says gently. I nodded, closing my eyes and welcoming sleep almost instantly.


" Alright, thanks Doc. We'll see you soon," I said as I hung up the phone. Kook-ah and Yoongi-ah had volunteered to make breakfast when we woke up the second time after snuggling with our baby soulmate. 

It worried to me see her sick and emptying the contents of her stomach two days in a row. She looked pale yesterday but thank God that, today she had some colour back to her cheeks. She looked as though she hasn't rested for ages. 

" You alright, hyung?" Yoongi-ah asks as he walks around the bench counter and places a soft kiss on the side of my head. " You're chewing on the inside of your mouth again."

I gave him a sheepish smile. " I'm just worried about Y/N."

Yoongi-ah nods, frowning as well. " Namjoon-ah told me yesterday that it's not like her to get sick. Lisa-ie told Namjoon-ah that and she looked quite concerned about her."

I checked the time, sighing when I saw that it was time for Y/N to eat breakfast. " Are you guys nearly done?" I asked softly, standing up from the stool. Kook-ah nods and turns around with a tray full of delicious fried rice and miso soup. 

" Yup," he says brightly. I smiled at his cute bunny smile and gave him a small peck on the side of his head. I wrapped my arm around his waist while Yoongi-ah comes over and swings his arm around our bunny boys' shoulders, as we all walked up the stairs to Y/N. 

We opened the door, and saw that the others were huddled around her, eyes trained on either her, the window or the bluish tint of their phones. Their heads snapped up when we walked inside of Joons' and I's room, and we gave our soulmates a small smile as we turned our attention on our baby girl. 

She was still asleep, her bottom lip quivering as she lets out even breaths. She was snuggled to the side of Hoseok-ah, who stroke her hair gently. He smiles his small heart as we let go of our bunny boy, who walked gently to the side of the bed and placed the tray of food on the bedside table. 

" Sunshine.. breakfast time," Hoseok-ah says gently, stroking her hair. Y/N stirred and flutters her eyes open. She gives a yawn and she gently sits up, her head on her hand as she whimpered gently. " Does something hurt, sunshine?"

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