date with jinnie-oppa

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I woke up rather early today. I knew the others were going to be going to work today, so it'll be Jinnie-oppa and I here all day until dinner. I had fixed my bed and my room, opening the curtains and window to let fresh air in and here I am now, in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for my soulmates and I. 

Checking the time, it was 7:15 am, which meant that the boys will be waking up soon to get ready. I heard a pair of feet walking down the stairs and in a few moments, Jinnie-oppa strolls in, yawning while he scratches the back of his head. His eyes widened when he sees me and all of the food on the kitchen bench.

" Beautiful... why are you already awake? Did you not sleep well?" he asks, rushing over to me and wrapping his arms around me, leading me over to a stool. I laughed, shaking my head as I leaned up to peck his lips good morning. 

" Ani, Jinnie. I slept exceptionally well. It's just that I'm used to waking up early when I have work, but.. since unnies and oppa has banned me for going to work until next week, I woke up early today and couldn't go back to sleep. So I just cooked breakfast," I explained to him. He frowns and leans down to peck my forehead. 

" You should've woken me up, beautiful. You must be exhausted already," he whispers. I giggled, shaking my head and wrapping my arms around his torso, resting my head against his chest and hearing his heartbeat. 

" I'm not exhausted, Jinnie. Besides, I wanna see the boys off to work before we have the house all by ourselves," I said smoothly. I felt his chest hum in approval as he swoops his head down to place a gentle kiss on my neck. I giggled once more, tightening my arms around him.

" Good morning, jagiya," I heard the huskiness and brassy texture of Tae-oppa's voice. I looked up from Jinnie's and I's embrace and my heart accelerated as see him walk in the kitchen. He gave me his boxy smile as Jinnie's arms gently lets go of me and he walks around the kitchen bench. Tae comes to me and wraps his around me as well, placing several kisses around my face before finally capturing my lips with his. 

I sighted contently into the kiss, loving the smooth surface of his lips against mine. He gives me one last peck before he resurfaces, smiling down at me with twinkles in his eyes. 

" Good morning, Tae."

I looked down, hands going up to fix his tie and collar. He was dressed very professionally today, so I knew he had an interview of some sort. His hair was lightly ruffled and styled and the familiar scent of him calmed me even more so. 

" You're up early," he mutters, a crease becoming in the middle of his eyebrows. I reached up and smoothed it, rolling my eyes gently. His eyes darkened gently, before they refocused back.

" I woke up to see you all off to work. Jinnie and I will miss you today," I whispered. His eyes lightened up and he swoops down one more time to place a kiss on my lips. I giggled as he gently unwraps his arms around me and walks over to Jinnie, giving him his good morning kisses and hugs. 

" Hi, sunshine."

" Cupcake."

I looked to the doorway and see my two dancers there, smiling gently as they came in the kitchen and made a beeline for me. Hoba-oppa was the first to reach me as he lunges at me sweetly and gave me a kiss on the lips and tightened his arms around me as Chim starts to whine.

" Hyunnnng! I wanna give cupcake my morning kisses!" he whines. 

" Yah! You didn't even give me mine!" Hoba-oppa says. I giggled as he fakes sobs. Chim rolled his eyes and he leans forward, pressing his lips to Hoba's one. Hoba gave a smile, releasing me from his embrace so that Chim could have his turn to place a kiss on awaiting lips. 

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