pieces together (R18+ at the halfway breaker)

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My soulmates all looked at me, eyebrows furrowing. Jinnie-oppa hands me the paper and I gingerly took it, heart still thumping as loud as it can get. I licked my lips, trying to see whether it was his handwriting. I noticed the way the letters were slanted, and I remember always teasing my older brother for having his handwriting slanted. My throat grew heavy and I opened my mouth.

" It's from my oppa..." I voiced out loud. " But... it can't be, my oppa is dead."

" Well, miracles can happen, Y/N.." Tae-oppa says, looking over my shoulder and looking at the piece of paper. " Was there anything else, hyung? Maybe another note or something?"

" No, I don't think so, but I'll check. There might be something that I missed," Jinnie-oppa says and we heard his footsteps as he walked away, the front door opening once more a few moments later. " There's another one! I didn't notice it earlier!"

He came back, bounding over to us. I took the time to sit down, and he handed me the second envelope. My eyes wandered over it and my mind went haywire. I placed the piece of paper down and opened the envelope, seeing another piece of paper that had a more slightly longer handwritten note. I grabbed it eagerly, wanting to really believe that it was Joon-woo- oppa. 

Unfolding the paper, I scanned it quickly. " ' Two of your soulmates will know me. We met briefly the other day. When you are all free, here is my address and number. Text me when you can make it. I've missed you, Boo. I love you.'" 

I looked up at my soulmates and I see them glancing at each other, eyes perplexed. I knew they were trying to see if they have met someone during the past few days. They have all sat down next to me, deep in thought. To my surprise, no one was completely jealous, despite the fact that this mysterious person claimed that they love me. But, on the other hand, only one person did call me Boo, so there was a 70/30 chance that it is my oppa.  

But my heart stopped as I thought of another possibility. What if it was Imo Mia who placed this envelope here? I knew that she knew what oppa called me, so was she using oppa's nickname for me to finally get rid of me? Is this what this is about? What if it was?

And then, she would know where we now live. Which means that my soulmates are in danger. If Imo Mia knows where we live, then she can hurt them, or use one or all of them as bait, or as a trade, for my life to save theirs. I mean, that's what normally happens in movies. So, is this the stunt that Imo Mia was pulling. 

" I got it!" 

I was snapped back to Earth when Hoba-oppa stood up, eyes delighted and face shining. He turned to Yoonie-oppa, who looked momentarily shocked and scared about the fact that Hoba-oppa was likely to charge at him, based on the way he had charged at Tae-oppa and Joonie-oppa earlier. 

" We're the two soulmates that have met him! Yoongi-yah, that guy we bumped into the supermarket the other day!" Hoba-oppa exclaims. 

" Correction, you  bumped into him. I was merely watching," Yoonie-oppa mumbles, relaxing once he saw that Hoba-oppa was not  going to charge at him. Hoba-oppa rolls his eyes but nonetheless turns to me. 

" We bumped into a guy the other day at the supermarket. We even exchanged numbers, he was very nice. I knew  he looked a bit like you!" he said. My heart soared. Can oppa really be alive after all these years?

If he was alive after all these years, then why did he never make contact with me? Why did he leave me? Did he not love me? Was the only reason he's back is because he wants revenge? Does he only want revenge on Imo Mia? And when he gets revenge, will he leave me behind again? 

" Really? Wait, what was his soulmate mark?" I asked. This was the only way to identify the person that two of my soulmates met. Hoba-oppa scrunches his face, trying to remember. It was Yoonie-oppa who responded.

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