dress fitting

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One of the worst ways to wake up is hearing the next door neighbour's dog barking at something  or someone. Another is when there's a fire alarm somewhere around the house, blaring and telling everyone to wake up when it's faulty. 

This morning, I woke up with the feeling absolute bile in my stomach and mouth. I opened my eyes, wide with alarm and seeing absolute bright light inside my room. I scrambled out of my bed, noting that I was in Koo's shirt and my panties, thank God. I heard some grumbles of protest from Chim and Koo, but I didn't care as I held my hand to my mouth, gagging and running to my bathroom. 

I crouched over the toilet bowl as the lights turned on with the motion sensors. I held my hair away from my face as I emptied the contents of my stomach. I heard cries of alarm as two pairs of feet pattered across my room and into my bathroom, their warm and soft hands rubbing my back and holding my hair away now.

I gripped the sides of the toilet bowl, groaning in pain and shivering as I stopped for a while, before it picked up once more. After a few minutes, all the contents of my stomach was inside of the bowl and I felt tears running down my cheeks. 

Kweanchana? " Chim asked softly as they helped me up. I nodded, stumbling to my sink as I flushed the toilet after closing the lid. Grabbing my toothbrush and applying toothpaste to it, I started to viciously brush my teeth. I looked at the reflections of my soulmates, seeing them smile gently as they rubbed their eyes sleepily. 

" I drank too much margaritas yesterday," I mumbled after I finished brushing my teeth. They nodded, giving me pecks on the forehead. " What time is it?"

" 10," Koo says softly. I nodded, brushing my hair now. After I was done with my morning routine, I walked out of my bathroom and climbed back on my bed, sitting crossed legged on it. I noticed that my phone was flashing with so much notifications, so I grabbed it. Before I could see the messages, Lisa's name flashed across the screen. 

" Annyeong?" I answered her call. 

" Y/N-ah! I've been trying to call you! They moved the dress fitting for my wedding to today! Can you make it?" she asked frantically. 

" Of course!" I said, standing up with force and feeling a little bit lightheaded. I heard her let out a sigh of relief.

" Alright. I'll come and pick you up in 30 minutes," she said. 

" Alright, drive safe," I said, hanging up the phone and going to my wardrobe, grabbing the closest clothes I could grab. I changed right there and then, not caring that my soulmates would see me, since they've practically seen me inside and out. 

" Who was that?" Koo asked. I looked at them and saw them frowning, nocking their heads to the side.

" Lisa-ie. They moved the dress fitting for her wedding to today, so I have to go," I said gently. They nodded, walking over to me and wrapping their arms around me. 

" I love you, Button."

" I love you, Cupcake."

I smiled at them, ruffling their hair and pressing sweet kisses on their lips. " I love you both. I'll see you later. Go back to sleep, you look like absolute Hell."

They yawned, pouting and walking back to my bed. I noticed that they got one of my plushies with them and I giggled, shaking my head as I grabbed my purse and placed my phone inside of it. I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me and walked down the stairs. 

I immediately saw Joonie, seeing him tap away on his laptop as a cup of coffee sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I gave his neck a kiss. 

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