later rather than sooner

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I was the one driving to Y/N's house when all of a sudden, throughout the soulmate bond, I felt excruciating sadness and pain. My hands tightened on the wheel, and I knew the others felt it, too, because the laughter quickly died. 

" Hyung... it hurts," Kookie says. I looked through the rear-view mirror, seeing him clutch his heart through his shirt. I saw the others' faces scrunch up in pain, and my heart started pounding fast. 

" It's Y/N."

I pressed my feet on the accelerator. My baby soulmate was in pain, mind-aching pain and I didn't know why. None of us did. And it scares the living daylights out of us. 

I parked outside her condo, surprised to see her friend, Soobin's, car in the driveway, the door wide open to her condo. We all scrambled out of our car, rushing into her condo, taking off our shoes hastily and dropping everything in our arms. 

We walked into the kitchen to see Soobin with wide eyes, trying to wake up a screaming, crying Y/N. Her eyes were screwed close tightly, her sobs coming out of her mouth. She was wiggling around her sleep, crying, ' Please, please, please! Help."

Soobin looked up at us with his wide eyes. We walked forward, but he shook his head. " No. Don't. Please, she's vulnerable right now."

" She's our soulmate," Jimin growls gently. Soobin opens his mouth to speak, but thought the better of it. I rushed to her, cradling her in my arms, my heart aching as I see her in this way. Her whimpers came out of her mouth and it was causing pain to flare in the soulmate bond. 

" Hyung... make it stop..." Tae says brokenheartedly. I cupped Y/N small face in my hands, wiping her tears, trying to soothe her with my voice. 

" Baby... I'm here. We're all here. You're safe. You are love. We love you so much. Wake up for us, please," I whispered gently. She continued to wiggle in her sleep, but it was getting weaker, and her tears had stopped running down her face.

Jin-hyung came down as well, sitting next to me and holding both of her hands while Namjoon sat on the opposite side of her, running his fingers through her hair. 

" We're here. Can you open your eyes for us?" Jin-hyung whispers. There was no response from her, but instead the quiet whimpers had subsided from her and Y/N went into a peaceful sleep, sighing sadly in her sleep. I looked up to my younger soulmates, feeling the relief wash through the bond. I locked eyes with Soobin, who was biting his bottom lip, and I knew he wanted to feel Y/N in his arms once more. 

" Let me take her to her room... she's exhausted. Then... maybe we can talk," he whispers gently. I opened my mouth to rebut, however Namjoon nodded his head. He was always the one we listened to; he was our rock and pillar, the one who made us stronger by having all of us together. 

" Please, we would like that. Very much," he said, standing up. Soobin came over and wrapped his arms around Y/N bridal style, and I clenched my jaw, not wanting to let go of her. Jin-hyung placed his hand on my shoulder, making me relax and reluctantly letting go of our baby mate. Soobin stood up slowly, carefully handling Y/N and it didn't help my jealousy that I thought she looked a bit too comfortable in his arms. 

We watched as Soobin went up the stairs slowly and carefully, not wanting to wake up the angel in his arms. The rest of us stood around the kitchen bench, the maknaes sitting down. Hoba had his arms around Jimin, trying to soothe our little mochi, who was worried. We all were. Kookie and Tae were sitting on one stool, Kookie on Tae's lap while they fiddled with each other's hands. Jin-hyung sat on a stool as well, running his fingers through his hair. 

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