can't sleep?

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I drove back us home, listening to the small soft breaths of my soulmates with their sniffles. We all ended up sharing a few sweet tears, running down our faces as we cuddled in the middle of the graveyard in front of my Eomma and Appa.

 I knew that they approved of them. I knew they were looking down at us from above and I knew that they said to each other, "Yeah. They're going to take care of our Marshmallow. She's finally in safe hands."

In the passenger seat, Hoba-oppa sat there. He reaches out with his one hand and interlaces our fingers together, the hand that I wasn't using to steer the car. His thumb circled around the back of my hand, and my Buttercup gently lights up, a soft beautiful purple glow around the car. I looked at the rear-view mirror, seeing that the back of the car was also being lit up with purple light. I smiled gently, sniffling gently and rubbing my nose at my shoulder to stop the sniffles from coming. 

It felt like eternity before I finally turned into our driveway. I quickly killed the engine of our car and we all hobbled out, rushing into our house, taking off our shoes and walking to the living room, where we all crashed into the couch, cuddling with each other and feeling the physicality of each other. 

I was in between Jinnie and Chim; Chim's head on my lap and Jinnie's head on my shoulder. I leaned into the soulmate beside me, Jinnie, feeling myself relax and feel safety and warmth at the company of all of my soulmates around me. 

" Hungry, pretty sunshine?" Hoba asks, turning his head to look at me with his honey-orbs. I smiled as my stomach gave a small grumble.

" Unfortunately, yes," I sighed. Hoba makes the move to stand up but I shook my head. " Oppa, don't go yet! Just.. stay here with us for a bit more?" 

He smiles, leaning over Chim's body across our laps and places a kiss on my cheek. "Of course, beautiful sunshine. I'll stay here forever and always."

My heart accelerated, like it always does when my soulmates say something lovey-dovey. I gave him a soft smile as he gets comfortable once more, leaning his body protectively to Taetae while Koo and Joonie and Yoonie were next to each other, cuddling so close to us as well. 

" What should we eat for dinner?" Koo asks. " I don't really want to make anything. I just want us all to be here in the living room. And watch something while we eat dinner."

" How about we get some takeaways and get it delivered here? How does fried chicken sound?" Jinnie asks, twisting his face so that he could inhale my scent. I smiled gently. I noticed that, ever since that I've started inhaling the scent of them as well, they's started doing it to each other; inhaling the scent of each other as well as me. Who knew my actions could be carried on to my soulmates?

I nodded gently. " That's sounds like a wonderful idea."

The others voiced their opinions out as well, agreeing with me. Yoonie grabs his phone and proceeds to call our local BBQ Olive Chicken, ordering so many that I lost count of it. Once he was finished placing our order, he puts down the phone and informs us that our food would be coming at roughly 15 minutes. 

Koo stood up, walking over to the TV and turning it on, grabbing the remote and switching the server into Netflix. He walks back, snuggling back into the arms of both Yoonie and Joonie, giving us all a soft bunny smile. " What should we watch?"

He starts to scroll up and down, and we looked at the suggestions.

" How about Glee? Have you watched that?" I asked. They all said no and I gaped at them. "Wait, what? How have you not watched Glee? It's such a good series, I love it! We have to watch it!"

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