dinner and naps

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I was seated in the middle of Yoongi and Jungkook. They told me to drop the 'oppa' for now since they wanted more... original nicknames. It puts a lot of pressure, sure, but since I already have one for Koo, it shouldn't be hard to come up with one for the rest of them. Right?

I looked at the table in front of me: it was delicately and elegantly made, looking as though it was a table made for a five-star restaurant. A flurry of different colours of food was placed on the table just moments ago, and now, it was all gone. Dinner conversations rang throughout the table and room as we all got know each other as soulmates. 

Opposite Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin and I were Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon. Hoseok was next to Namjoon, scolding him for accidentally spilling water on the table. We watched with amusement as Namjoon gives a bashful smile under the watchful eyes of Hoseok. 

Next to me, Yoongi and Jungkook have devoted their attention to me, asking me the same old personal questions, like ' when's your birthday?' or ' favourite food?' or 'favourite movie?' I have answered honestly and also asked the same questions back. They were happy to reply, so this averted the attention that the others had on each other to us now. Seokjin had gotten out the desserts out and was distributing it to everyone. Although I was very full and satisfied with the food, I couldn't say no to the heavenly-looking and smelling dessert my eldest soulmate had made.

We've helped the clear the table a little bit so that there was more space, and now, instead of Yoongi and Jungkook sitting next to me, it was Jimin and Namjoon. Looking around the table, I observed the tender actions and sweetness they had with each other. Taehyung wiped Koo's upper lip with fondness in his eyes since Koo had a small moustache of ice cream. Seokjin fed Hoseok and Yoongi with his spoon, smiling widely as the two of them hummed in satisfaction. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I pinched my arm for the hundredth time today: I was really with my soulmates. 

" So, Y/N. What did you think of the dinner?" Namjoon asks, smiling a dimpled smile. I gulped my food down gently, nodding. 

" It's wonderful. Thank you so much. Next time, it will be at my place," I said softly. 

" So there'll be a next time, cupcake?" asked Jimin. I smiled bashfully. 

" Of course. What, did you think I was going to reject you all? I would be mental if I did," I said, chuckling and looking down at my hands on the table. I heard them coo at me, and my heart skipped a beat. 

" Actually, kitten, we did. But now, I'm glad we thought wrong," Yoongi said softly. I looked up and saw seven pairs of eyes all reflecting the same emotion: fondness. Seokjin checked the time,  frowning when he saw the hands on quarter to 9. Standing up, he started clearing the table in a rush. 

" Is something wrong, Jinnie?" I voiced out, another nickname rolling off my tongue. He looked at me with wide shocked eyes, but was replaced with pure happiness. 

" Nothing's wrong, beautiful. It's just that it's getting late, and we were hoping to watch a movie with you tonight or just chilling at the living room," he replied. I nodded, standing up as the others did as well, fixing their area and walking into the kitchen to put the dishes into the dishwasher. Earlier, Jinnie had told me that they only use the dishwasher if there were guests over.

Once placing the dishes into the dishwasher, Jinnie led me to the living room, where the others had already made themselves comfy and chose the movie that they wanted to watch, which was  ' Lady and the Tramp' live version. The lights were dimmed and the couches were filled with cuddling bodies, limb intertwined together and held close to each other. 

Jinnie let me sat next to him and Jimin, the warmth cocooning me. 

" What time do you have to get picked up, cupcake?" Jimin asked. I shrugged.

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