teach me (R18+ at the start)

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My eyes stayed trained on Jinnie-oppa's eyes. His, however, had darkened with twinkles of love in them. He licked his lips, pressing them onto mine. I sighed against them, reaching up to weave my fingers through his hair, but he jerks away, smirking. He tsked at me, shaking his head. 

" No touching, baby girl," he huskily says. I whimpered, resting my hands on his bed instead. He gives me a loving look before he smirks once more. " Good girl."

He leans down and sucks on my neck, creating love bites. My body and neck was still covered with Koo's marks, and it seems to make Jinnie-oppa more excited he trails his fingers on one of them.

" Koo marked you so well, baby girl. And he also fucked you so well both times. Do you know how hard I was when I heard both of your moans? My two baby soulmates making love just down the hallway? I was extremely hard. I couldn't wait to be the one marking you up and pounding into you," he whispers. My breath starts to hitch at the back of my throat as I looked up at him. 

" So pound into me, Daddy," words spilled out my mouth before I could stop them. My eyes widened; I never thought I would be saying those things in my life, but something about Jinnie's confidence that was radiating from him made me slip into a new person; shy and timid and wanting to please him in every single way, including intercourse.

His eyes darkened once more and he presses his lips against me hard. His tongue delved into my mouth and I gave him full access to every corner, every nook and cranny of my mouth as I moaned into the kiss. 

" You would let Daddy do that, baby girl? Pound into you again and again while you cum? Make you scream my name? Would you let Daddy do that to you, baby girl?" he asks in between kisses. I kept my hands clutching the bed sheets as I nodded. 

" Yes, Daddy," I moaned. He hummed, tugging at the bottom of his shirt and taking it off as he did the same to me. His eyes roamed down my upper half and he looks at my breast with a smile, a different contrast to his smirk. 

" You look so beautiful with Koo's marks, baby girl. But I think I'm going to add a bit of my own to his artwork, yeah?" he asks. I nodded and his eyes darkened once more. He gripped my hair harshly but it was enough to earn him a mewl from me. " Use your words, baby girl."

" Yes, Daddy. Add some of your own," I sighed contently as his mouth began to suck the top of my breasts that was straining against my bra. 

" Hmm, lace. Looks good on you, but it needs to be gone," he says, reaching around me as I lift myself up a little bit so that he could take it off me. He throws it on the floor and he hums in approval as both of his hands came down on my breasts, grabbing them both and gently squeezing them together. " Fuck, you're beautiful."

He latches his mouth to my nipples, all the while groping at my breasts. Soon enough, I began to fist the sheets as the familiar wetness of my womanhood began. I whimpered, trying to grind my hips to get action going and Jinnie chuckles as he continues to suck and grope at my breasts.

" Someone is getting eager, are they, baby girl?" he asked. I mewled and nodded. He grinned, reaching up and tugging on my hair harshly. I looked at him, whimpering. " Patience, baby girl. Patience."

He travelled his mouth downwards, tugging my pants down and humming in approval as he placed kisses on the insides of my thighs. I made a move to intertwine my hands through his hair, but I remembered: no touching. God. 

He came back up and I whimpered once more as his lips came onto mine. He rolled us over so that I was straddling him. I looked at him with shy eyes and his smirk turns into his soft smile before he leans in to kiss me once more. 

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