dessert and showcase with a tease

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Hoba-oppa continued to glare daggers at the back of Jinnie-oppa's head, but his expression would immediately change when I would approach him during dinner, his heart-shaped face lighting up with his heart-shaped angel smile. All around the table, I could feel the others look at me with lusting eyes, licking their lips as they see the love bite Jinnie-oppa had given me. 

I had taken off my ponytail to hide the love bite, but beside me, Koo-oppa had taken my hair to the side, his brown eyes tracing the shape of the love bite. " You two seemed very busy when we were banging on the front door to open."

My face flushed. " You were waiting for us to open the door?"

" Hyung forgot his keys, so we had to knock on the door numerous times. We were waiting out there for around 10 minutes before Hobi-hyung came home with Jiminie-hyung. He had his keys with him and well, we were worried why you didn't open up. We thought something might've happened. Alas, now we know why neither of you opened the door," Koo-oppa asked, his lips turning into a bunny smile that resembled every inch of a smirk. 

" Sorry, oppa," I said, leaning over and brushing my lips against his cheek. 

" I didn't want my kiss there."

" Then where do you want it?"

" Here," he said and he pouts his lips. I laughed, shaking my head and placing my hand on his cheek, pushing him away, causing him to playfully whine at me. I looked at the others, seeing them laugh at the exchange that the two of their youngest soulmates had with each other. 

I looked up as Jinnie-oppa came back with the tray full of freshly made caramel slice. Even from here, I can smell the heavenly aroma of coconut, caramel and chocolate combined. 

" Y/N made these, so make sure to appreciate them," Jinnie-oppa teased. I rolled my eyes at him, hearing his laughter. The others, unbeknownst to our little exchange, all reached over and got a slice of caramel slice, biting into it, and letting out appreciative moans, commenting on how heavenly it tasted.

" Amazing!" Tae-oppa said dramatically, his eyes opening widely as he looked at the caramel slice with wonder. 

" Yummy! Wonderful! Magnifique!" Joonie-oppa says, also quite dramatically. 

" Hmm!" Yoonie-oppa, Hoba-oppa and Koo-oppa says. 

" Alright, alright, oppas, that's enough!" I said, covering my ears and scrunching my eyes cutely. I hear them laugh out with their beautiful laughter, and I looked at them, smiling softly as I released my ears and reaching over and grabbing a slice of my own. 

" So, Hoba, Chimmie, how's everything with the showcase? Is it ready? Your students?" I asked, looking over at my two dancers. Hoba nodded while Chimmie looked nervous, nibbling on his caramel slice. I smiled, my heart awing at how cute my angel was. I reached over to Chim-oppa's lap, luckily he was next to me, and interlaced our fingers together. He looked over to me and he gave me a bashful smile. 

" All of our students are ready and excited. Some are just plain out nervous, but I told them, ' you're under the best teacher and dancer in all of Korea! Why on Earth would be nervous?!' But, they just looked at me and started to laugh. Well, at least, I could make them laugh," Hoba-oppa asked, pouting but shrugging at the same time.

We all burst into laughter as his expression, which was now in that expression he always does when he was in the middle of being confused but he some-what knew what he was saying. I giggled.

" I can't wait to watch! Speaking of watching, does it require for us to be fancy? I mean, it is a showcase after all?" I asked. 

" Well, we're just wearing suits and ties, kitten. We don't care what you wear; you could even wear one of our suits, if you want," Yoonie-oppa says. I rolled my eyes. 

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