unnie and oppas and dongsaengs

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Light streamed in the curtains as I felt a body move beside me gently, as though they didn't want to wake me up. Too late. I was already awake. Fluttering my eyes open, I yawned, stretching gently and making sure to hold the blanket against my chest, despite knowing that my soulmates wouldn't mind if they saw me in my all naked glory. 

Beside me, I saw that Taetae was still asleep, hugging a pillow and rolled over to the other side so that I could see the scratch marks on his back. I flushed, remembering the way he made slow, lazy and collected love to me. I looked up, seeing Hoba walk over to me, seeing that I was awake. Over his shoulder, the others strolled in and out of the bathroom, chucking on some clothes. 

" Good morning, pretty sunshine," Hoba says, his body covered with clothes. His face was bright with his usual heart shaped smile. He bundled me up into a hug, snuggling his face into my face. Giggling, I wrapped my arms as best as I can without putting the blanket down. 

" Good morning, Hoba," I said. " Sleep well?"

" Excellent, actually. After last night," he said, leaning back and giving me a wink. " I've got the scratches to prove it. I think everyone does, sweetheart."

I pouted. " I didn't mean to do it that hard!"

" It's alright, baby girl. I have to say, it looks really good against my skin," I heard Jinnie say. Looking up, I see the other five of our soulmates walk out of the bathroom, with wet hair and work clothes. Frowning, I glanced at the clock and seeing that it was only half past 7. 

" You're leaving for work already?" I asked, pouting. " Already?"

" Unfortunately so, Button. We're sorry, we'll be home soo, though, alright?" Koo says, sitting down beside Hoba. Hoba scoots away from me to let our soulmates hug me one at a time. 

" And where are you going?" I asked Jinnie, frowning. He gives me a small smile. 

" Somewhere," he says, winking. 

" That's not an answer!" I whined. He swoops down and gives me a breathtaking kiss. Eyes wide, I looked up at Jinnie. " If that's how I get an answer from now on, I would gladly take it," I said with a giggle. 

" I love you, baby girl. I'll see you later," he says. " Minnie-ah! Wake up Tae soon, he'll be late!"

" I heard you, hyung. I don't wanna get up," I heard Taetae whine beside me. I looked as Chim walked over to him and tickled him awake. " Hajima, hajima!" 

Taetae jumped up, hair ruffled with a big pout on his face as he walked to the bathroom with all of his naked glory. Joonie rolled his eyes as he gives Taetae a peck on the side of his neck before he disappeared behind the door with a slam. 

" Ah, our little drama king," Yoonie says with a chuckle as he leans down to me and gives me a peck as well. " I'll see you later, kitten. I love you."

I smiled up at him as he walks around to the door. " I love you more, Yoonie Bear."

" Impossible. I love you the most."

" Impossible! I love her the most!" a chorus of voices rang around the room. Giggling, I shook my head as Koo and Hoba stood up. My two dancers and my pro player gave me one more set of kisses before they moved out of the room, giving me a wave before they disappeared. 

I looked up at my soulmate who was standing over me, eyes bright as he wraps his arms around me and gives me a slow, poetic kiss on the lips. 

" I wish I can stay here with you. I know the others are wishing that too. But unfortunately, duty calls," Joonie says. I looked up at him and smiled ever so slightly. 

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