nice to meet you + catching up = getting along

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Joon-woo led us inside, bowing to my soulmates and giving warm smiles to Hoba-oppa and Yoonie-oppa. His condo reminded of my own condo; spacious, modern and nice. He said he even had a penthouse at one of the buildings in the city that overlooks the Han River. 

He led to the living room, where I saw snacks and some bubble tea on the table. We walked over to the couch, piling in and so did Joon-woo. He ended up sitting next to me and Jinnie-oppa on my other side as the others turned towards us. 

" You've grown, Boo," was his first statement, in which I couldn't help but smile. I had reduced my crying and was now only sniffling. I knew I looked horrible with my red puffy eyes, my pink nose and tear-stained cheeks. I looked at my older brother and nodded. 

" So have you," I said. He gave me his smile, looking so much like Appa, and he diverted his gaze from me to my soulmates. 

" Hi. I'm Y/L/N Joon-woo and I'm 25 years old. I'm the older brother of your soulmate," he says proudly. 

The guys take turns in introducing themselves, and the tension in the room lightened. I had a feeling they were feeling a bit protective when they saw Joon-woo-oppa and I embraced each other quite tightly, but now I feel them being alright with it now.

Joon-woo handed me a bubble tea, and he gave the others one as well before grabbing one of his own and settling back. I looked at him and I bit my lip as he smiled at me. He knew what I was thinking as I saw his smile falter. 

" How have you been, Y/N?" he asks instead. I sighed inwardly but smiled gently at him. 

" Busy. I'm a paediatric nurse now, I work at the city hospital. I've found my soulmates just after my birthday last year, so it was a nice Christmas and birthday present. I'm still pretty much the same person you would remember from years ago. I haven't changed much," I said. His eyes went down to my neck where I saw him smirk. 

" Except the fact you've gotten a bit rowdy," he playfully says, easing me. I laughed; this was how I've always remembered Joon-woo: easy-going, loving, outgoing, nice. Think of the nicest person and times that by 10. That's Joon-woo. 

My soulmates also laughed at his remark.  I glanced at Koo-oppa who had the slightest blush on his cheeks, but he was wearing his adorable bunny smile. 

" Who was it that took your v-card?" Joon-woo asks, winking. I gasped and slapped his arm, and he lets out a bark of laughter. 

" Oppa!" I whined, rolling my eyes. His shoulders shook as his laughter increased. My soulmates, on the other hand, betrayed Koo-oppa and I by looking at each other and pointing directly at Koo-oppa. 

" Yah! Hyungs!" Koo-oppa whines. 

" Babies!" I whined as well. 

" How was it? Was it good?" Joon-woo asks. My face went up in flames as the others looked at Koo-oppa expectantly. However, Koo-oppa's face was just like mine: red, eyes wide and looking completely shocked.

" Oppa! Seriously? After 12 years, you're still like this? You can never take anything seriously!" I pouted. In an instant, Joon-woo's face turned expressionless and I blinked.

" Excuse me?"

" I.. ermm."

He bursts into laughter once more. " I'm just kidding. Ha!" 

" Aish..."

" Anyways... how did you all meet Y/N?" Joon-woo asks, changing the topic. 

It was Chim-oppa who answered, from the other side of Koo-oppa.

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