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I found myself sitting in between Yoonie and Koo, who had insisted on feeding me in front of everyone. Our other soulmates couldn't have that, and so, every now and then, they would lean over and feed me something from their plate. I felt myself flush as a chorus of 'aw's and 'oh's went around. 

Across the table, I see my soulmates's siblings looking at us with wonder in their eyes, some with amusement and teasing twinkling in their eyes as well. At the top of the table sat Appa Min, giving us a warm smile as he asks questions here and there. 

" So, Y/N-ah. What's your occupation?" he asked. I could feel Yoonie tense slightly beside me, but I chose to ignore it as I gave his father a warm smile. 

" I'm a paediatric nurse, Appa Min."

Appa Min gives me a warm smile and he nods. " Why did you chose to be a paediatric nurse?" 

" I've always wanted to be one. I wanted to help little ones and be their support when times were tough and when they had to undergo surgeries. It's important for me to know that my patients are comfortable with me. It shows they trust me and that they like me as their paediatric nurse," I said brightly. I heard a hum of approval around the table and Appa Min nodded in approval as well.

Beside me, Yoonie relaxes and I looked over at him, smiling gently as I reached under the table and held his hand, squeezing it gently. He gives me a small gummy smile, pecking my cheek. His action made the families aw. 

" You've gotten all of them wrapped around your finger, Y/N," Eomma Jung says. She gave a warm heart-shaped smile, the very smile that her son inherited from her. I gave her a small smile, flushing while I looked around to my soulmates. They all had sheepish smiles on their faces. 

" It's so cute to see them so smitten about you!" Jiwoo-unnie, Hoba's sister, said with a bright smile on her face. Her finger glittered with her ring and she looked at her husband, who nodded enthusiastically, agreeing with her. " Hoseok-ah wouldn't stop telling us about you. He's so lost into you. All of you."

" So when's the wedding?" Eomma Kim, Taetae's Mum, asked. I gulped, looking around but not at my soulmates or their parents. 

" Eomma!" Taetae said, and I knew just from the tone of his voice that he was very surprised. 

" I'm just kidding, Tae! But I have to say, I'm not getting any younger, I need to meet my grand babies soon!" she said with a mischievous smile on her face when I looked at her. I gulped, looking away from her. 

" We're not.. We haven't..." Taetae tries to say but couldn't. 

" How does dessert sound?" Jinnie asked, standing up and going to the kitchen, getting the dessert. Joonie stood up to help him. I looked to the seat beside him, seeing Koo give me a small smile of reassurance. 

The rest of the dinner flowed gently, and by the time we were done with dessert and placed the dishes in the dishwasher, we have all piled in the living room. I sat on the floor with Yeontan and Taetae's siblings. Eunjun-ssi and Jeongyu-ssi were both very similar to their older brother; Eunjun-ssi is a beautiful young lady and Jeongyu-ssi is handsome, almost a clone of his brother. 

They were both asking me some questions when the siblings of the others decided to come and sit next to me as well. I gave them a small smile as we conversed. I found out Jiwoo-unnie is very successful at her clothing line, and all of them were successful in their areas of expertise. I figured Jinnie inherited his cooking skills from his older brother, Seokjung-ssi. 

" We heard about your family. I'm sorry," Jiwoo-unnie sat next to me, in between Eunjun-ssi and I. I gave her a small smile, cuddling with Yeontan and nodded. 

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