hospital run part 2

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Yugyeom-ssi tackled Mia off me as she shot me square on the chest. I felt my chest burn up and my eyes start to water as I felt someone come over to me, pulling my head on their lap. I looked up as I see Yeji-ssi eyes, wide and panicked, trying to calm themselves down. Chul-ssi helped Yugyeom-ssi have a grip on Mia, kicking the gun away from her. 

" Police! Help!" he screamed, as we heard the footsteps from above. " Down here, someone's injured!" 

" Hey, hey, don't close those eyes, alright, Y/N-ssi? Don't you dare close those eyes. You're going to be alright," Yeji-ssi says. I felt my flowers burn and tingle. I didn't know why. Yeji-ssi looks down at my arms and her breath came out in shuddering gasps. Her eyes brimmed with tears and she shook her head. " Don't let your life force trail away, they need you. Your soulmates need you. Y/N-ssi, they love you so much. So very much. It's alright. I'm here. They're here too. Somewhere."

I coughed, feeling my throat want to turn itself inside out. " It hurts," I whimpered. 

" It's going to be alright. The medics are here. They're going to help. Please, just don't close those eyes!" 

I blinked, licking my lips. " Owchie.." 

" Miss? Miss? Can you hear me?" I heard someone ask and several people came into my vision. I became confused and started to cough some more. 

" Y-yes."

" Bullet in the chest area, can't identify with vision if it is through the lung. We need to take her straight to the hospital. Now," one of them said. Yeji-ssi sniffled as they took me away from her and onto a stretcher. She stood up and ran up the stairs after me. 

" I have to be there with her. I have to," she said desperately. 

" Are you here family?"

" I'm her brother's soulmate," she said. The people nodded and wheeled me into an ambulance. Yeji-ssi climbed on, sitting down next to me and grabbing my hands, holding them tightly. 

" Focus on staying awake, Miss."

Yeji-ssi nodded and she looked at me with red-brimmed eyes. She leans forward ever so slightly. 

" Focus on my voice, Y/N. Okay?"

I gave her a small nod as I tried to even my breathing. The paramedics began to access my wound, trying to see where the bullet went through my body. Yeji-ssi gave me a small smile through her tears. 

" Alright. My name is Hwang Yeji-ssi. I am 20 years old and I work at the local rescue pet centre just a few minutes from the hospital. I haven't met my soulmate in person, but I trust you that you are his sister. The moment I saw you, I felt a connection to you, a sisterly connection. I'm the second oldest of six, and all of my siblings are sisters. From oldest to youngest, it goes Hyunjin-oppa, me, Lia, Ryunjin, Chaeryeong and Yuna. Yuna is still in her last year of high school and Hyunjin-oppa is a singer. My Appa and Eomma are bakers. I like the colour green and I love pets," she whispers. 

I found myself relaxing as I listened to her voice. A little too much. Without any restraint, my eyes started to close and I felt Yeji-ssi's hands grip my own tighter. 

" Y/N-ssi? Y/N-ssi?! Don't close your eyes!"

" Drive faster! We're losing too much blood! We're losing her!"

" Hurry!"

" Y/N-ssi! Y/N-ssi! Y/N-ssi!!"

" Y/N-ssi! Y/N-ssi! Y/N-ssi!!"

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