is it hard?

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You know, in action movies, where there's this whole negotiation scene plays out? Where on one side of the room is one group of people and on the other side of the room is the other group of people? And you can see, practically see that everyone is shitting themselves and making worse scenarios circulate around their heads?

Well, it seems that the scene is reliving itself here. In our kitchen. Where my soulmates and I are on one side while our Appas are one side. They all looked.. intimidating and serious. I've never seen them this serious. I felt myself sweating and looking around nervously as Joon-ah intertwines his fingers through mine. 

" So... we're having a grandchild," Appa Min says. I nodded and I knew that my soulmates were all getting anxious with the way our fathers were talking with us. 

" And it didn't cross your mind to tell us as soon as possible?" Appa Kim, Joon-ah's father, says with a look over his glasses. I licked my lips as my eyes met my father's gaze. He looked at me with raised eyebrows. 

" Erm, we.. you see, Appa... we were planning onto but--" I tried. 

" But?" Appa Jeon says. On the other side of me, Kook-ah nestles against Yoon-ah. The intensity and seriousness that our fathers were showing us right now was enough to make even the most malicious villain to tremble in their shoes. 

Hoba-ah says something underneath his breath and his father snaps his head towards him.

" What was that, son?" he gently says with a bit of an edge.

" I said, Appa, we were about to, but you... surprised us," Hoba says. There was a moment of silence, before my Appa says something. 

" Well.. we are very disappointed in you, boys.. very disappointed.."

We all looked down at our feet, and the smell of our dinner cooking was suddenly so far away. There was another moment of silence before we heard the strangled cries of laughter from above us, which made us all snap our heads upwards. 

Gaping at each other, we see our fathers chuckling and bursting into tears with laughter as they shook their heads at us. 

" Appa!" we all said in unison. 

" You should've seen your faces! Ah!" Appa Kim, Tae's father, says, laughing his head off like a hyena. I pouted and I knew my soulmates did as well as we all shook our heads now, huffing at our Appas.

" Well, congrats, sons," our Appa's says. They all moved to our side of the kitchen and one-on-one, we started talking. 

I sat on a stool next to my Father, who gave me a small smile as he ruffles my hair, much like how he did it when I was little. All around the kitchen, my soulmates and their fathers were talking in small whispers, sometimes letting out laughs and chuckles and I knew there were some tearful gazes here and there. 

My father got my attention once more and he looks into my eyes. They were the same colour as mine: swirls of brown circling a dark black pupil. 

" How are you feeling?" he asks. I licked my lips, thinking about his question. A nagging at the back of my mind was making its way to the front of my mind.

" How am I feeling? I'm absolutely shitting myself," I said, chuckling gently as I ran my fingers through my hair. " I mean... wow. I'm going to be a father. We're going to be fathers. We're going to have little ones running around the place. Our babies. It's... surreal. I always thought... that being parents and having kids of our own.. was somewhat a wish. I didn't know when I was going to meet my last soulmate, our last soulmate, and now that she's here. Appa, she's made so many things come true. And my wish, our wish, of being fathers, it's being fulfilled. And we're not just having one baby, we're having triplets."

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