little beans + hard news = impossible

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 one month time skip *

Sunlight streamed into the room.  Yawning, I stretched up, eyes looking around. It was mid April, meaning that spring was well underway, and the flowers were blooming into their colours once more. I felt kicks of my little ones, and I cooed at them internally, rubbing my hands against my baby bump. I'm 8 months pregnant now, and since I'm carrying triplets, I'm due any time soon. My soulmates have all taken leave from their work, wanting to be by my side when our little beans come into the world. 

Hearing their soft chatter from downstairs, I slowly placed my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, wincing as I felt extreme pain down my lower back and my uterus. Every morning was like this, and Doctors Song and Dahyun-unnie have been on speed dial, saying that they have the theatre ward ready for me anytime. 

Placing my hands on my baby bump like I have grown used to, I waddled out of my room and downstairs, wincing as the pain didn't go. I felt my little ones kick gently, but their butterfly kicking didn't reassure me like it normally would. 

I made it down the stairs and into the hallway before collapsing, wincing in pain as the pain in my lower back. In a few minutes of sitting down, it faded away, making me sigh in relief as I stood up gently once more, walking cautiously towards the kitchen. 

My soulmates huddled around the kitchen bench, sipping on their coffee as they ate breakfast. I smiled at the sight of them, looking at their bed-ruffled hair and sleepy eyes. Backs to me, I waddled to the closest one, wrapping my arms around him as best as I can with my baby bump, inhaling the sweet scent of him. Joonie turned around, smiling down at me with his dimpled smile and giving me a sweet good morning kiss. 

" Why, hello, little one," he said, leaning back, placing a kiss on my nose and letting the others have their turn hugging me. I smiled at them, wrapping my arms around them, listening to their heartbeat racing and feeling the ups and downs of their chest as they breathed in and out. 

" Hungry?" Jinnie asked. I nodded.

" Very hun--" I winced, feeling yet another blossom of pain down my lower back and the frantic kicking of our little ones. Worry flooded through the soulmate bond and they all stood up from the kitchen bench stools, brown orbs overflowing with concern. I hissed in pain, grabbing onto my nearest soulmate as the pain doubled. 

" Y/N? What's wrong, Sunshine?" Hoba asked, catching me. 

" Hurts. Need. Doc. Dahyun-unnie. Now."

Breathe in

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Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out. 

I was laying down the theatre bed, in a hospital gown as I looked around, heart pounding. My soulmates huddled in a tight semi-circle at the other side of the room, looking at me with love and admiration. I gave them a smile, fiddling with my thumbs. 

" We have to give her a C-section. This is normal for women carrying triplets. Most of women carrying triplets deliver their little ones by C-section. Dahyun-ah, please get Y/N-ssi ready for the theatre ward," Doctor Song, her voice firm but gentle. I nodded, feeling more intense pain. Dahyun-unnie gently leads me, changing my clothes and getting me ready for the theatre ward. She gives me a soft smile. 

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