drawings and photos

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I led her out of the car, wrapping an arm around her tiny figure. She was an angel in human form, really. There was no way she was human. The way that she looked up at me through her eyelashes, her small cute smile that seemed to stopped my world and my hyungs' world as well. 

Y/N seemed to glow with a natural beauty around her, and her personality only made it glow even brighter. She was sweet, shy and caring, but once the ice is broken, her personality seeps through. She seems more outgoing, more adventurous. More beautiful. If that was even possible. 

Guiding her inside, I heard the almost-inaudible gasp from her, but I heard it. Her big, almond y/e/c eyes were wide and the reflection of the light made them sparkle more brighter, her cupid-bow lips in a 'o' shape as she looked around. Her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, little wisps of baby hair framing her small heart-shaped face. I couldn't help but notice how big the hoodie she was wearing on her; she seemed to be more smaller than usual today, her outfit swallowing her. 

Y/N turned around, looking at the walls with absolute wonder in her eyes, and finally she looked back at me. She smiled her angel smile, walking back to me and lacing our fingers together. I leaned my head down to her so I can see her face more clearly; see the small freckles running across her cheeks, the length of her eyelashes, the different colours her eyes flash when she was feeling different emotions all at once. Her eyes were brighter than they were only a second ago. 

" Tae... are we really going to draw?" she asked shyly. I nodded, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I knew it was one of the hobbies that she has, but she hasn't found any time to draw anything recently because of work. 

" We are, jagiya. I know how much you love drawing. You told us that you haven't had enough time for drawing lately... and I wanted to try and draw something.. so... I picked this out for our date today," I said, suddenly feeling shy as I explain it to her. Yesterday, when I had consulted my soulmates about this, they were all encouraging me to ask her, since it was my idea. The thing is... I wasn't very big on the drawing side of things. I was more of a photographer. 

I found myself looking over at the different cameras on display; this art convention was for every type of art styles. But no, I couldn't let the calling of the cameras carry me away. Returning my gaze back on Y/N, I saw her looking around the conventions once more. Chuckling to myself, I wrapped an arm around her and led her to the receptionist, asking where the drawing centre was. 

Y/N stayed back, not big on talking to strangers. She was an introvert like that. I liked it. Paying for the day pack, the receptionist then guided us to a more smaller and enclosed room, where no one was there. I knew that the teacher would be coming soon since the class was to start at midday. 

Y/N and I took a seat next to each other in front of the art supplies that was laid out individually for each person. 

" How long is this class for, Tae?" Y/N's soft voice asked. I looked at her, smiling. 

" As long as you want, Y/N."


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