one year later + words + first walks

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I rushed to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach thanks to the amount of margaritas I drank last night for our one year anniversary. I'm now 21 years old and back to work, my soulmates back to work as well and our baby boys growing healthy. The amount of pictures we have of them up on the walls of our house was immaculate: Taetae and Koo had teamed up on teaching me how to take photos and while I was relaxing, I would take photos of our baby boys, learning from the best. 

I groaned as I stood up after wiping my mouth with tissue paper and flushing the toilet. I walked over to the bathroom sink, grabbing my toothbrush and brushing my teeth. Behind me, Chim comes in, hair ruffled, wearing only sweatpants. I rolled my eyes as he gives me a smirk, wedding ring on his finger. All of us haven't taken off our rings except for when we shower and when we get them cleaned. 

" You should've taken it easy last night, Cupcake. You were pretty wild in bed last night," he whispered as he wraps his arms around me and snuggles his nose against my neck. I finished brushing my teeth as I shot him a look, seeing our other soulmates come in the bathroom as well. 

" Well, at least we all had a good time, right?" I said cheekily. My soulmates laughed. " I hope our boys didn't wake up last night."

" I don't think they would've been disturbed by it, baby girl. They have no idea what those noises were," said Hoba, smirking. I groaned. 

" Exactly how wild was I?" I asked. Chim turned me around gently and in unison, all seven of them turned around. My eyes widened as I see their scratched backs, marks running up and down on their smooth skin. " I did that?!" I squeaked.

" Sure did, Button. And it was amazing as hell," Koo says, swooping down to give me a kiss. I groaned once more.

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

" We didn't care. It was hot and it made us hella hard," winks Taetae. I blushed. " I love how even two years, we can still manage to make you blush like that."

I hit him on his shoulder as he lets out a boxy smile. " I'm going to check on our boys. They must be awake by now." 

Walking out of our bathroom and bedroom, I made my way down to the nursery, opening the door. I smiled gently as I see all three of our baby boys, pulling themselves up against their cribs. The three of them know how to say 'Eomma' and 'Appa' and some babbling, and they were adapting well to the stage that they might start walking soon. 

" Eomma!" all three of them shrieked, giggling. I smiled, grabbing Minjun and Jeongsan as I heard footsteps behind me. I looked over my shoulder and see Yoonie coming in, and he makes silly faces towards Haneul as Haneul yells out 'Appa!' to him. Yoonie carries Haneul and I smiled at him as I said good morning to all our little ones. 

" Jin-hyung has probably already made breakfast. You know how he is," Yoonie says gently as the smell of kimchi fried rice wafted through the air. I breathed in the aromatic and nodded. Yoonie leads me out of the nursery and down the stairs, where I could hear Yeontan and Holly barking for their food. Looks like we weren't the only ones hungry.

" Good morning, babies," we heard Jinnie-oppa say as he leaned down and placed dog food in Holly's and Yeontan's food bowls. I looked around, seeing our soulmates changed and ready for work and already munching on some breakfast as they sat down. I smiled at our eldest soulmate, walking over to him and giving him a kiss as Minjun and Jeongsan babbled 'Appa' to him. Jinnie's eyes brightened up as he looks at our sons, giving them kisses on their foreheads. I walked around the kitchen, and so did Yoonie, letting our soulmates give their good morning kisses on the foreheads of our baby boys. 

Koo's bunny smile reflected on Jeongsan as Jeongsan wrapped his tiny arms around Koo's neck, mumbling 'Appa' all over again as he looked up at his fathers. Everyday, Jeongsan was growing up to look more like Koo and less like me. Koo would always tease me about it, and I would stick my nose up in the air, teasing him that I would have other opportunities to have a little one look like me. That upset not only him, but the others as well. 

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