hospital run

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Beomgyu and I were on our midnight walk when Y/N name flashed through my phone. Lacing our fingers together, I answered the phone, only for the call to end immediately. I frowned; whenever Y/N called me, she would almost always most certainly talk to me.

" Something wrong, Bub?" Beom asked me as I pocketed my phone once more. 

" Can we quickly stop by Y/N? We should check on her," I said. He nodded and we began our five minute trek to her condo. 

Y/N's the sister I've never had. When I first met her 9 years ago, she was so scared and nervous about the prospect of being around other people. I was a little bit older than her, and when I found out that my parents are fostering a girl my age, I was beyond the moon. The night before I met her, I have cleaned my room and her side of the room as well, wanting to impress her. 

Throughout the years, we've grown closer. I made it a life long promise to forever protect her from danger, even if she has met her soulmates. When she said that she hadn't told them what had happen in her past, I was beyond shocked, but deep down, I knew how hard it is for her to open up. 

Beom and I crossed the street, arriving at the street her condo is. I shivered out of the blue, feeling a chill up my spine and a tingle in my tattoo. I looked over at Beom, and I knew he felt it too. 

" Lala... the window," he breathed out, pointing to a window that was unmistakably broken and unmistakably Y/N's. I gasped and I ran towards the condo door, Beom following me. I was about to knock, calming my nerves when I heard an ear-piercing scream from inside. Y/N. 

" Y/N?"

" Y/N? Are you okay? Y/N?!" Beom said beside me.

" Help! Please! Please!" she screamed. My blood boiled cold and I found myself seeing red, hearing the vulnerability in her voice

" Y/N! We're coming in. Don't worry, it's okay!" I shouted, trying to reassure myself as well, that it was okay. 

I pressed my thump into the pad, thanking the Gods that I have convinced Y/N to save my print as well. She was reluctant at first, but I told her in case of emergencies. 

The door opened and the light blinded us temporarily. Beom went inside first, making sure to hide me from danger. 

My heart stopped as I see my best friend, my sister on the floor, blood gushing from the side of her face. Her condo was a mess, broken glass and things everywhere. I rushed to her, holding her in my arms as I dialled the ambulance. Beom rushed over to the window, not caring about the broken glass around him. 

" Please, ambulance. We need an ambulance," I gasped into the phone, not bothering for the service centre to finish their sentence. 

" We'll track your phone, miss. Please don't end the call," a voice said in the other side of the phone. " We have found your location and will be there in less than two minutes. What is the situation?"

" My friend... she's.. been hit in the head.. blood.. so much blood," I hiccuped, wiping my face free of my tears. 

" Hold a cloth on her wound, that should stop the bleeding. We will be there soon. In the meantime, has your friend met her soulmate or soulmates?" 

" Ne."

" Please, call them. If she is in critical condition, we need the support of her soulmates' touch by her, so that she knows that they are still there for her."

" I.. I don't know their numbers," I said. Beom came over, and handed a phone that was Y/N. 

" It's low battery," he said, clenching his jaw. 

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