hi, yeobo!

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Work had never been more tiring than ever. Each day, a patient was discharged and sent home, however, two or three new patients replaced their spot. I didn't have enough time to talk to my soulmates as much, only having around a quick 10 minute chat each night before I had to go to sleep because exhaustion was eating me and the fact that next morning was going to give me Hell. 

Despite my busy weeks, my soulmates still had the sweet audacity to surprise me each time I come home. The other day, there was a small basket new baked goods in it on my doorstep, with a cute card in Jinnie-oppa's handwriting saying, ' Eat well, beautiful'. And another time, a small bouquet of flowers sat there, with another card saying, ' We miss you, cupcake. Get enough sleep and take care, xoxo.'

Those two are the many examples my soulmates are coddling me with, and I couldn't help but feel giddy. Whenever I see the little presents, my day brightens, knowing that they think of me as much as I think of them. Now that I've met them, I knew that my soul needed to bond with them. Not in the physical way, but in the emotional way, so that we can be more connected in the emotional way of life. Soulmate bonding in the emotional way can be achieved in so many different ways; cuddling, playing games, holding hands. As long as you are close to your soulmate. You bond when both of your souls are vulnerable to each other, when your souls feel at most at ease and love. 

Chim-oppa and I have already bonded, the night we had dinner at their place and I accidentally fell asleep on him. Both of our flowers have gotten brighter with our soulmate colour, which was purple. I knew our other soulmates saw it before Soobin-oppa had come and picked me from their house because they were looking at the two of us with awe, wondering how on Earth we bonded that fast. 

I smiled at the thought of emotional bonding with my soulmates as I stepped into my kitchen from my shower, now wondering what I should cook tonight. Or if I had worked hard enough to deserve a large takeaway from Burger Fuel. It was tempting, so in the end, I called the nearest Burger Fuel and ordered my usual. 

Sitting on my couch with the TV on, I opened my phone to see numerous messages from people. A few from the group chat of my soulmates and I, Jennie-unnie and Jisoo-unnie, my best friends from high school, Lisa and Beomgyu and a gif from Soobin-oppa.

Clicking on Soobin-oppa's name first, I reacted to the gif he sent me, giving it a like. Moving on, I pressed on Jason-unnie's name, reading the text she sent me, which was asking what colour I preferred, blue or purple. Of course, I picked purple. 

Jennie-unnie's text was just a quick hey and hello, despite the fact that I had just seen her today from our shift. Laughing gently, I clicked on Beom's name. 

His text was short and sweet, asking if I was free tomorrow to catch up with Lisa and him. Those two are soulmates, and they found each other at such a young age. Freshmen year in high school, and their musical notes tattoos lit up when they introduced themselves to each other. I was with Lisa when it happened, and Beom was with his friends from intermediate. However, from that day on, Beom hung out with us, and us three became very close. They treated me as their little sister, being with me through thick and thin.

Answering Beom's question with a quick, ' yes! text me where you wanna meet xx', I checked Lisa's message and it turned out it was the same as her soulmates, so I didn't say anything but instead reacted to it.

Pressing the group chat's icon, my phone starting ringing and Yoonie-oppa's name popped up. Smiling, I accepted the FaceTime call.

" Annyeong, Yoonie," I greeted. 

" Hey kitten," Yoonie's face filled the screen and he gave me a soft gummy smile. 

" Hi, Y/N! Baby!" six other voices said behind him. I giggled. 

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