operation coddling baby soulmate = success

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I felt soft fingers going through my hair and soft peppering kisses on my forehead. Blinking my eyes open, I sat up, hands going to my eyes. I looked around and saw every single one of my soulmates, carrying a different plushie soft toy, the plushies that Koo showed me the other day and I had fallen in love with ever since. 

All seven of them had small and soft smiles on their faces, looking down at me. Chiminie sat on my bed alongside Yoonie-oppa. They both leaned over and pressed kisses on both of my cheeks. 

" Good morning, baby soulmate," they all said in unison, a combination of sweet and gentle. I looked at the plushies in their arms and they grinned once they saw my attention was to the plushies. 

" Good morning, oppas," I mumbled, yawning. " Is there a special occasion today?"

" Yup. But before we go downstairs, here are your new plushies! Kook told us that you really liked them when he showed it to you the other. This is Chimmy," Jiminie said, handing me the white-and-yellow puppy plushie in his arms. I smiled at Chimmy, and looked up to see Yoonie-oppa handing me the one in his arms.

" This is Shooky," he said. I smiled at him and put Chimmy down, and wrapped my around Shooky. Jinnie and Joonie came next, giving me the ones in their arms as well.

" This is Koya. He's a koala and he likes to cuddle," Joonie says. I smiled even wider, looking at the blue koala in my arms.

" This is RJ. He tends to snore a lot," Jinnie says. " He's an alpaca."

Koo, Tae and Hoba came next, handing me the ones in their arms. 

" This one is Van and this is Cooky. Cooky is a very strong bunny and Van is the guardian of every single plushie here in your room now," Koo says, placing a kiss on my lips. 

" This is TaTa. He is known to spread love around," Tae says, handing me his. 

" And this is Mang. No one knows what's under his mask, but everyone loves him. He's a horse," Hoba says. " Now, baby, can you pick one to take with you downstairs, or do you want them all downstairs with us?"

" I want all of them, please," I said, burying my face into the softness of Mang. I heard my soulmates chuckle, but they didn't object. Instead, they each grabbed the ones that was in their arms and went out of my room. Hoba-oppa was the one stayed behind, helping me up and wrapping an arm around my waist as I carried Van and he carried Mang.

" You guys are dressed so comfy," I mumbled. 

" Well, you'll see why soon."

We all walked down the stairs. Tae, Chim and Koo all ended up running down the stairs, and Jinnie ran down after them, scolding them and waving RJ up in the air. A smile went up its way to my face. Hoba-oppa led me to the living room and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. 

The living room was completely transformed into a beautifully decorated fort; there was candles here and there and I could smell the slight vanilla and caramel smell that I have grown to love ever since my first time here. On the floor were some snacks, still closed and on the coffee table, there was snacks as well. My heart accelerated as I see the rest of my boys sitting down, looking at me with wide and alert eyes. 

" Wha.." I trailed off, looking at them all at once with questioning eyes. 

" We wanted you to feel better... and to let you know.. you're not broken. Or anything like that. But if you are, then we'll be broken together," Yoonie says softly, standing up, Shooky forgotten and walking over to me. I smiled through my tears and wrapped my arms around him. Yoonie-oppa can be intimidating the first time you see him and the first ever conversation you have with him. But under everything, he's a teddy bear. He's soft and gently and caring, and he's absolutely beautiful . 

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