dinner snacks and work overload plus a hint of danger

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" Sh, you're gonna wake her up, Minnie."

" Sorry... she's just so cute!"

" I'm hungry."

" Hi, Hungry. I'm World Wide Handsome."

" Hyung!" 

I stirred awake, rubbing my eyes as I sat up, hearing people quiet down. I opened my eyes, surprised to see myself in the living room of my soulmates' house. I looked at each of them, seeing them all beam down at me. I grinned at them, feeling refreshed, but somehow a bit off. 

" Hi, oppas. How ar.. are.. achoo!" 

I let out a sneeze, sniffling and frowning. They looked at each other, frowning as well. Jinnie-oppa came and sat next to me, placing his hand on my forehead.

" Are you okay, beautiful?" he asked. I nodded. 

" Yeah. I guess spending the day near flowers made my hay fever spike up," I said, noticing how nasally my voice sounded. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Joonie-oppa and Yoonie-oppa go out of the living room hurriedly. Tae-oppa came and knelt in front of me, looking at me with concerned eyes.

" Why didn't you tell me you had hay fever? We didn't have to be at that background," he said softly. I shrugged my shoulders, sniffling and wiping my eyes because of how itchy they were. 

" You looked so happy to take photos, oppa. I didn't want to ruin the day for you," I said honestly. He sighed, leaning over and placing a kiss on my forehead. 

" It was the day for us, jagiya. Now I feel terrible that you feel terrible."

My eyes widened and I shook my head. " I'm fine, oppa. My hay fever isn't really that bad." I let out another sneeze, looking at my soulmates who now looked at me raised eyebrows. " Most of the time."

Joonie-oppa and Yoonie-oppa came back to the living room; Joonie carrying a tray of food and Yoonie-oppa carrying a glass of water in one hand and some medicine in the other hand. They came over to me, placing the tray of food on my lap and Yoonie-oppa giving me the glass and medicine. 

" We have every type of medicine just for first-aid reasons. We also didn't know if our final soulmate was allergic to anything, so... we took precautions," Yoonie-oppa explains as I looked at them funnily, thinking how they had the exact same medicine as my hay fever pills. I nodded, eating a bit before drinking the medicine. 

My soulmates sat either beside me or on the floor; Jinnie-oppa ended up on feeding me, even though I had protested. On the other side of me, Hoba-oppa nudged me and whispered that I should just let Jinnie-oppa feed me, otherwise he'll throw a cute fit, in his words. On the floor, were Tae-oppa, Koo-oppa, Joonie-oppa, Yoonie-oppa and Chim-oppa. Tae-oppa and Joonie-oppa were spooning each other while Koo-oppa, Yoonie-oppa and Chim-oppa were somehow in a pile with each other, all of them having different conversations with them. 

" So, how was it?" Jinnie-oppa asks. I gulped the food he had just shoved down my throat, gently. 

" How was what?" I asked.

" The time, Y/N. How was the time? I'm asking about the date, beautiful! What else would I be asking about!" he exclaimed. Giggling, I took a sip of water, thanking him since I've finished my food. 

" It was wonderful, oppa! Tae-oppa took me to a drawing class, and I haven't drawn anything for so long! We were there for three hours, but then I knew it Tae-oppa wasn't really enjoying himself since I knew his favourite thing was photography, so after drawing class, I led him to the photography room."

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