invitations, talks and themes

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I stepped out of our tight embrace, as I looked up at my fianceés with love and adoration written on my face. My name was called out and I turned around before I could say anything to them. I see Jennie-unnie, Jisoo-unnie, Kai-oppa, Lisa, Beom-ie, Rosé-unnie, Yeji-unnie, Joonwoo-oppa, Soobin-oppa and his friends coming towards me with tears and laughter written on their faces. 

They embraced with such tightness that I thought they were going to send me back to the Afterlife. I giggled at them as Joonwoo-oppa grabbed me from the embrace, holding me in arms' length as he looks down at me. I smiled up at me older brother, seeing the way that he was going to burst into tears. I chided at him, rolling my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his torso and listened to the beat of his healthy heart beating against my ear. 

" My little Boo is growing up. God, you're already 20 years old," he says gently. I laughed. 

" I'm always going to be your little Boo, though, oppa," I said. Joonwoo-oppa gives me a squeeze gently. 

" You better be. Or else I will abduct you away from your soulmates," he said. I laughed once more before stepping out of the embrace and Soobin-oppa swoops down, twirling me around. I giggled, ruffling his hair as he sets me down. 

" And here you thought I was going to be kidnapping you and killing you in the middle of nowhere," he playfully teases me. I shrugged. 

" You might never know, oppa. I mean, you're always changing the way you are when you're with me. I don't know if Rosé-unnie can continue living with you," I playfully said back. He pouts at me, but it was soon replaced with another smile, wrapping his arms around me before giving me to Lisa. 

She was full on crying, her nose pink and running, sobbing as she wraps her arms around me tightly. " Oh, Y/N! I can't! This is too precious, I'm happy and crying at the same time!" she whines. 

I giggled, giving her a tight squeeze. " It's okay, Lisa. It's alright."

I was congratulated by many other people. I found myself laughing and shedding some tears here and there. Soon, our family and friends bid their goodnight and I was face to face with my soulmates and our little baby boys. 

I gave them a little dance, squealing at them before running towards them, launching myself to our closest soulmate, which so happened to be Koo. He lifts me up in the air, chuckling as he twirls me around. I snuggled my face against his neck, inhaling the sweet addictive aroma of him as he puts me down. He lifts my chin up to look at his eyes and swoops down to pull me in a slow gentle kiss. 

My lips tingled as they met his, my Tiger Flower gently tinkling as he pulls away with a huge bunny smile on his face. I smiled at him before I was pulled away from him and I was in the arms of Hoba, who gave me a sweet kiss and a peck on the forehead before our next soulmate wrapped their arms around me and mimicked Koo's and Hoba's actions. 

At long last, I was in the arms of Tae, holding Haneul. Haneul was fast asleep and his brothers were not far from going to sleep as well. I gave them a kiss on their foreheads as my soulmates led me to one of the white-clothed covered chair in the cute little set up. 

I smiled at them as Chim handed me a fussy Jeongsan and I gave him our sleeping Haneul. Jeongsan's cries ceased as he was rocked back and forth in my arms and his eyes starts to droop. 

" How long have you guys been planning this?" I asked, pouting at them. They gave me a sheepish smile. " And why didn't you give me a hint?  I look like a mess."

" If we gave you hint, Koala, then it wouldn't have been a surprise. Besides, you're our hot and beautiful mess," Taetae says, winking. I blushed, looking down at our baby boy. 

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