love of our lives

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* one week later *

The cry of one of our little ones from the baby monitor shifted me awake. Yawning, I checked the time as I shuffled out of our bed, trying my hardest not to wake my soulmates up. God knows we all need the rest. 

For the past week, Jeongsan, Haneul and Minjun have been on a feeding spree. This would continue for next month. I've been feeding them at least one every two hours, so that means my sleeping schedule haven't been the best. 

Walking out of the room and down the hallway to the nursery, I opened the door to see only Minjun fussing around. His older and younger brother shuffled around the crib, scrunching their noses up at the commotion Minjun was making. It was only 5:30 am. 

Gently picking him up, his cries ceased, but his tiny whimpers continued. His eyes were scrunched shut and his delicate nose was running gently with the tears running down his cheeks. I cooed at him, guiding him to suckle on my breast, his cries fully ceasing as his eyes opened. I smiled down at him, his hazel brown eyes looking into my y/c/e ones. Since it's already been a week and a half, our little boys could now see everything around them. 

Minjun giggled up at him as he finished his feed. I rolled my eyes playfully, fixing my clothes and rubbing our noses together gently. " You're not cranky once you've had your feed, huh?" 

Minjun babbles, letting out a high pitched giggle. I laughed, looking down at his brothers, seeing them stir up. Haneul's eyes blinked at me and he licks his lips gently. I laughed, placing a soft kiss on Minjun's cheek before putting him down on the bed, where he closes his eyes and welcomes the warmth of La La Land once again. 

I fed my other two baby boys, noticing that Jeongsan's diaper needed to change. Haneul and Jeongsan stayed awake as I changed Jeongsans' diaper. Jeongsan babbles up at me as he looks into my eyes while Haneul fought off sleep. I laughed as I see him closing his eyes and going back to sleep once more. 

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and the tingle of my Larch made me smile. Feeling his warm arms wrap themselves around me, I looked over my shoulder to see Yoonie blinking at me sleepily, watching me finish changing Jeongsan's diaper. Once I finished, I sanitised my hands before picking up Jeongsan, and turned around to face Yoonie. 

Yoonie smiles down at Jeongsan who coos at him. Placing Jeongsan in Yoonie's arms, I walked back to the crib, watching our little boys sleep. Stroking their cheeks, I bid them goodnight once more before looking back at Jeongsan and Yoonie. 

Yoonie looked at Jeongsan with much adoration and love, placing a loving kiss on his sons' forehead. Jeongsan yawns as Yoonie sways them side to side. Not even a minute later, Jeongsan was asleep once more.

Yoonie places Jeongsan back on the crib and I sighed in relief, seeing that none of our little ones put up too much of a fuss going back to sleep. Yoonie leads me out of the nursery, noticing my tired state as I leaned against him, yawning. 

Ever since the accident in the hospital, where I experienced Death, I had been tired and out of it since. Sometimes I would see my Eomma and Appa following me gently, smiling at me and guiding me to the right direction. When I blink, they're gone. 

" Kitten, let's go back to sleep," Yoonie says gently. I looked at him, nodding as I leaned even more against him. He wraps his arms around me and carries me bridal style. I snuggled my face against his chest, feeling the familiar ups and downs as he breathes in and out, hearing the familiar beating of his heart against my ear. 

We entered Joonie's and Jinnie's room, the biggest room out of our house, where all of our soulmates were fast asleep, hugging one another. Yoonie places me in the middle of the bed so that I was in the middle of all our soulmates and he looms over me gently. I reached up, stroking his porcelain cheek and he leans against my hand gently. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on my lips before leaning back. 

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