Chapter 71- What?

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Bakugo, I don't know where you are, but I think they want you. Be careful.

Bakugo stiffens, chills running down his back as he hears the voice echo in his head.

Why wouldn't he know where I am? Can't he use his powers to find me? Is he in trouble? Todoroki yanks Bakugo out of harm's way, seconds before the ground previously beneath them shatters into pieces.

"What are you doing? Pay attention!" He yells, still handicapped by the boy on his back. Bakugo shakes his head, deciding that for now, he has to focus on his own safety.

"I'll blow this asshole to hell!" Bakugo yells, explosions surrounding his hands.

"You can't! The flames will spread. Everyone could die if we aren't careful. Do you understand me?" Bakugo scoffs but listens, putting his hand down.

"Yeah, I get it, I'm not stupid!"

Even if we retreat there's poison gas everywhere. They're obviously trying to drive us into a corner.

At Kusuke's words, Tiger immediately jumps forward to block the larger villain from attacking the kids. The lizard attacks as well, Mandalay intercepting him.


"I can't use my powers! You have to get Kota!" I instruct Midoriya, whose eyes are full of fear and determination.

"What?" He yells, probably questioning how my powers are gone.

"He's on the cliff! Go!" Midoriya nods, not wasting another second to question what's happening. Right now, the only thing that matters to him is Kota.

I have to find Bakugo. I grit my teeth, running away from the fights in the clearing. I'm only a hindrance right now. I have to get away from the fight.

"Going somewhere, baby bro?" Kusuke sneers, stepping in front of me.

"Let me through," I snarl, not in the mood to deal with him.

"0 wins, 4,254 loses. Can you believe that?" He suddenly asks, venom in his voice. "You're better than me in every way, aren't you? Well, that ends today." I roll my eyes, running past him and into the forest. "Carefully, Kusuo! The forest is scary at night!"

"Ah! I saw you on TV during the sports festival! You can make your skin hard! That means you're bulletproof!" The gas villain chuckles, watching as Tetsutetsu's mask crumbles to the ground. "Eh, that doesn't really matter. Because now it's just a matter of how long you can hold your breath in this toxic miasma."

Seriously? He pulled a gun? And he took out my mask in one shot. What's this shorty's deal? And why is he wearing a school uniform? He's probably my age. Tetsutetsu scoffs, one hand over his mouth as he runs forward, ready to punch his opponent in the face.

"What, do you think you're the terminator? Even if you can steal yourself charging straight in is a fool's move. Shouldn't you be smarter if you go to UA?" The boy points at his head, clearly unaware of Nendo's existence. "Don't be so rash! Use your head. Or you're not worth killing." The villain raises his gun, shooting in the mist. Tetsutetsu dives in front of the bullet, taking it for Aren, who had been trying to get the jump on their foe. Aren grimaces, shocked to see blood coming from Tetsutetsu as he falls to the ground.

"Tetsutetsu!" He yells, unable to do anything for his classmate.

"Two against one and you're banking on a surprise attack! What a simple plan, I expected better! I'm producing and controlling this gas, yes, but that's not all. The gas is showing me your movements with its fluctuations! In other words, you can't hide from me. You arrogant UA students, why didn't you figure that out, huh? You're shattering the image I had of your school! What a sha-" Aren runs forward, growling like a feral animal.

"Shut the hell up! I hate monologues in fights!" The kid dodges easily, knowing Aren's every movement.

"Weren't you listening? I know how you're going to move!" Aren summons multiple motorcycles, which steer in circles around the boy. "What the hell? Oh! You're the motorcycle kid! I remember you! But why would you block yourself in a circle with me?"

"You're in here with me, asshole."

What did Saiki mean when he said he can't use his powers? How is that even possible? Does his brother have a quirk cancellation quirk, like Mr. Aizawa? But that can't be right, he said that his quirk didn't work on Saiki! Which is also strange. Why wouldn't his quirk work on him? Is it because they're brothers? Deku looks around him, not slowing down for a moment as he sprints full speed to the cliff he had found Kota on last night. That doesn't matter right now. I have to get to Kota! He jumps up the cliff, almost flying as he grabs Kota and barely dodges the villain who had attacked the boy The two tumble to the ground, Midoriya coughing as he takes the brunt of the blow.

"What are you doing?" Kota asks, unwilling to show Midoriya how scared he is of the man in front of them.

"Who the hell are you?" The man growls, upset that his prey had been swooped away.

I came up here to make sure Kota got back safe... I didn't think I'd actually run into any villains! Dammit, that landing broke my phone! Only Saiki knows where I am, and if he can't use his powers, I doubt he knows there's a villain here. I can't hope for reinforcements to show up! It's just me... all alone. I have to stop this guy by myself! But... can I really do that while protecting Kota at the same time? The greenette looks back at Kota, wincing as he sees tears streaming from the boy's face. No! I don't have time to think! I just have to do it! Right now! With the power I have!

"Hey, I promise everything will be okay," He smiles, his muscles tense with worry as lightning flows through him. "I'm going to save you, Kota!"

"You really think you can save this little brat?" The man chuckles, his laugh sending shivers through Midoriya. "That does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. Your kind sure likes to mouth off about justice. What's your name again? Well, it doesn't matter. I'm sure I won't get in trouble if I killed you. But first, a little torment!" The villain takes off his cloak, revealing muscle tissue that flows out of his skin. He smiles sadistically as he attacks. "Show me your blood!" Midoriya blocks the attack, but it's too strong for him and he's pushed back, smashing into the mountain. He screams in pain, barely able to hold back tears as his entire body shakes in anguish.

"Oh yeah, hey. Maybe you can help me out a little bit first. Do you know where a kid named Saiki is anywhere? I still have a job to do after all!"

Saiki? They're after him? Why?

"I'll take your silence to mean you don't know, is that right? Then what about Kaido? He's on our list as well."



Surprise =)

Happy Valentine's Day guys <3


Look at these sexy men. It's important to your livelihood. 

Drawn by weird_fangirl_here! I love the art style!!!

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Drawn by weird_fangirl_here! I love the art style!!!

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