Chapter 39- Hero Killer: Stain vs. U.A. Students

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"A child wearing a suit? Who are you?"

"I am the brother of an incredible hero who you attacked! He's the best older brother that anyone could ask for. I have come to stop you, because he can't anymore!" Iida speaks confidently, getting to his feet to face Stain. "You're going to remember my name for as long as you live! I am Ingenium! And I will defeat you! That, I promise!"

"Then so be it. Die."

"FOR TENSEI!!!!" Iida blasts forward, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he yells in anger.

"Ingenium? So, you're brothers. I let him live so he could spread the good word. Word of me!" Stain easily jumps over the boy, quickly coming to the correct conclusion. He kicks Iida's shoulder, piercing through the armor and drawing blood. Iida grunts, falling back in pain. He looks up at Stain, his jaw clenched. "You're a weakling, just like he was." Stain rasps, raising his blade over Iida and stabbing the boy's shoulder once more. Iida screams in pain as hid blood gushes out, coating his arm. "You aren't heroes, you have no right to be called that. Both of you are nothing but fakes."

"Shut up, villain!" Iida grunts, his voice strained. "You damaged his spine and paralyzed him from the waist down. He's never going to be able to work as a pro hero again. My brother was incredible. A caring person who saved many lives. Someone people looked up to. You have no right to take that all away from him! He's my hero! My older brother inspired my dream, so one day I could be a pro too! I won't forgive you. I'll kill you!" Iida tightens his fist, anger filling his aura.

"Shouldn't you be worried about saving that guy?" Stain asks, pointing to the hero immobilized a few feet away. "So busy with your grudge you forgot about him. You plan on using your quirk only for yourself. Completely blinded by a selfish desire for revenge. You're about as far away from being a hero as I can imagine." Stain sneers, his foot firmly planted on Iida's head. He takes his blade out of Iida, bringing it to his mouth. "And that's why you'll die tonight." He finishes, licking his sword to activate his quirk.

My body... won't move!

"Goodbye, child. May your death bring about a better world."

"No, please... not like this!" Memories of Tensei flash through Iida's mind as he nears his demise. The face that he always looked up to shines before him, the man who always kept him going the right way. Even though he knew he was going to die, Iida's mind fills with vengeance.

I... I can't move... But... the Hero Killer Stain... he's right here... I need to get revenge for my brother! He... he needs this! I must get up! I must! I WILL KILL THE HERO KILLER! I WILL TAKE MY BROTHER'S NAME! I WILL BECOME... INGENIUM!


At that moment a blur of green appears, punching Stain away from Iida.

"W-who's there?" Iida stammers, blinking tears from his eyes. "M-midoriya? H-how?"

"Don't you worry Iida, I'm going to save you!" Midoriya yells, determined. He dives forward, narrowly missing Stain's blade and dodging behind him, his fluid motions direct copies of Bakugo's. He lands another punch, sliding backward from the force.

Did it work? Suddenly Midoriya's blood runs cold, and he's unable to move. He glances at his arm, where a small tear is present in his suit. My body... it's... did he cut me and I didn't even notice? One graze is all it took? Midoriya studies Stain, spotting a drop of blood on his blade. No... it's the blood!

"You're not powerful enough. It's not that you predicted my movements, just left my field of vision so that you'd be able to get in a clean shot, but I saw through your plan." Stain walks past Deku, almost approvingly. "There are countless false heroes around here who are all talk, but I think you're worthy of staying alive. You're different from these two." He approaches Iida, hungry for the boy's blood to flow into the pavement. Suddenly he stops, as if under his own quirk's power. "Someone else to get in my way. Today's been full of distractions." He growls, not yet realizing the situation he's now in.

"Saiki?" Midoriya whimpers from his spot on the ground, hope replacing the dread in his heart. "When did you get here?"

Just now. Had a few Nomu to deal with.

A few? How strong is Saiki, anyway?

I ignore his thoughts, turning my attention to Stain.

What are we going to do with this scum bag?

"Uh... turn him in, I guess." Midoriya replies awkwardly, still stuck in a rather uncomfortable position. I walk over to him, restoring his body and releasing Stain's hold on him.

"I won't go down that easily, you idiotic kids!" Stain growls, struggling to move in my tight grip.

You sound like an old man who's been smoking for too long. Shut up already. Stain continues to struggle, eventually giving up and instead licking his lips fanatically, as if traces of my blood might appear so he can escape.

"I contacted Todoroki. He should be here any minute." I nod, lifting Stain into the air and removing his weapons.

I can't believe someone this weak has been giving pro heroes so many problems.

"How dare you! I am not weak!"

You were beaten by two high school students.


Dammit, he's right. How'd that green kid catch me off guard? And how is this kid's quirk so strong? He strains some more, his efforts doing nothing in my grip.

"He usually attacks away from crowded areas. The pros aren't anywhere around here."

I can always teleport him to the police station.

"Oh, yeah. Right."

He can teleport? Then what the hell is he holding me with? Or does he have multiple quirks? I walk over to Native, placing my hand on his chest and restoring his body. I offer him a hand, which he graciously accepts.

"Thanks, kid. You're pretty strong, aren't you." I nod, walking over to Iida and healing him as well.

"Uh... thanks, Saiki."

Yeah, whatever. I thought I told you to bring back up, you idiot.

"You knew?" Midoriya questions, tilting his head.

You know I can read minds, right?

"Oh, yeah...." Midoriya mutters, writing a mental note to add as much as he can to the notebook he dedicated to me.

What can't this kid do? Stain grimaces, angry that he can't do anything in this situation.

Sorry about ruining your character development, but I figured I'd save you all the trouble of getting hurt.

"Midoriya? What happened?"

"Oh, Todoroki! Thanks for coming! Saiki beat you to it, though." He chuckles, scratching the back of his head nervously. Todoroki glances over Midoriya, eyeing Stain curiously.

"So, this is the Hero Killer. Not too impressive, if you ask me." The boy pokes Stain as if he were on display.

"Get off me!" Stain growls, only growing more upset as time passes. Todoroki chuckles turning to me.

"Good job, Saiki."

Whatever. Come on, there's no point in staying in this crappy alley.


For those of you who celebrate it,

(Insert image of Bakugo blowing everything up here [he's very patriotic.])

For those of you who don't, happy day =P

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