Chapter 61- Beast Forest

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The students turn away from the cliff, staring at the looming forest before them with doom in their hearts.

"It'll be okay! If we work together, we'll get through easy!" Midoriya voices, his hand in a tight fist. Hairo nods, slapping Midoriya's back.

"That's the spirit! Come on guys, this'll be fun!" Hairo yells, his enthusiasm calming his classmates as he marches with full confidence into the dark abyss.

Don't be so sure. I sigh, knowing what Pixie-Bob has planned for us. Hairo ignores my warning, stomping happily onward as the rest of the class glances at me worriedly.

"Why do you say it like that?" Yumehara questions, her voice quivering in fear. Her query seems to summon the large beast that arises mere steps in front of Hairo. The creature, easily thirty feet in height, towers over the redhead, who stops, his eyes like those of a deer on a highway. Some of the class screams, a reasonable reaction, at the monster, while the rational ones get in their fighting stances. Midoriya, thinking fast and actually caring about whether or not Hairo dies, jumps forward, shoving the rep out of the way. They both tumble to the ground, Hairo grunting in surprise at the sudden weight. The monster smashes the ground where the two were, its fist creating a small crater in the dirt.

It doesn't look like an animal and it's not behaving like one....

"Guys, I think it's Pixie-Bob's quirk!" Midoriya yells, allowing his quirk to fill his body.

"Well in that case..." Bakugo growls, a smirk forming on his lips. "Let's beat its ass!" He yells, flying forward, sparks flying from his hands. Todoroki lunges as well, sliding on ice toward the monster. Midoriya jumps forward, his fist hitting the creature as the other boy's do. Their power, amplified by Hairo, easily explodes the monster, allowing mud to rain down, coating the bystanders.

"Woah! Great job, guys!" Kirishima cheers, fist-pumping the air.

"We'll get through here in no time with you guys on our side!" Hairo adds, getting to his feet and running up to his classmates.

"I wish you had been more careful though," Teruhashi complains, cautiously pulling a clump of mud from her hair. Mera turns to her, carefully brushing off some that had landed on her arm. Teruhashi nods in thanks, forcing herself not to scoff at the mud covering her.

"I'm so sorry, Teruhashi!" Midoriya gasps, running over to his class. "Are you guys okay?" Though he aims it to the whole class, it's clear that Midoriya is mostly worried about Teruhashi. She tilts her head, smiling sweetly.

"Don't worry about it! You guys saved us!" She sings, her eyes landing on Midoriya. "Did I get it all?" She asks, causing him to walk toward her, mindlessly. He licks his thumb, gently rubbing it over the small spot on Teruhashi's cheek. He pauses, aware that it's gone but lost in her beautiful eyes. Midoriya parts his lips, his gaze wandering to hers. Her soft lips call to him...

Stop abusing your power. Teruhashi jumps in surprise, as if she had forgotten she was being watched. Midoriya snaps out of his daze, his face immediately flushing with red when he realizes what he did. He scrambles away, ducking behind Iida. Uraraka whispers into his ear, chuckling as he covers his face in embarrassment.

"We'll never get anywhere at this pace!" Bakugo growls, turning his back to the class. The forest rumbles as more monsters rise, each one different but similar in size and dominance.

If we attack Pixie-Bob instead she couldn't make the monsters. I shrug as no one listens to me, too busy or angry to care.

Saiki, come with me. We don't need these idiots. Bakugo snarls at a particularly large creature, easily blowing it up and running off.

"Hey, don't leave! We must work together to get through this!" Iida yells, well aware that it's far too late to stop the blonde. I teleport to a clearing ahead, meeting up with Bakugo, who's now covered in mud, about half an hour later. His sweat rolls off of him, soaking into his shirt as he breaths heavily.

Want a break? I can fly us there.

"No, I don't want to take the easy way out." Bakugo answers, hesitating for only a brief moment. "Though it would be nice to fly with you." He mumbles, staring at the ground. I hum, sitting on the grass and patting the space next to me.

You should rest at least. He nods in agreement, plopping down beside me. He sighs, placing his arms behind him to support his weight as he stares at the clear sky above.

"We're finally here, huh."


"I've been waiting for this for a while now."

I know. Bakugo nods, falling onto his back and closing his eyes.

"You know everything. I'm kind of jealous."

Don't be. I respond, shifting my weight so I can face him. We sit in silence for a while, the soft breeze almost carrying away the screams of our classmates in the distance. My eyes remain plastered to Bakugo's calm face, still perfect, even when covered in mud. I reach down, my finger brushing the corner of his mouth as I wipe the mud off of him. Bakugo smirks, his eyes opening.

"Couldn't stop yourself, huh." I shrug, turning my head as I hear the class making it close.

We should go. Bakugo shakes his head, sitting up so our faces are centimeters apart.

"Not yet," He whispers, gently placing his lips on mine. He pushes me back, his body pressed against mine as he does so. He supports his weight with his forearm, which is above my head, and his other hand cups my face. For a moment I allow him to kiss me, though I'm painfully aware of the proximity of our classmates. I put my hand on his lips, turning both of us invisible.

Wait... I tell him, staring into his eyes. He looks upset, but when Todoroki jogs into the clearing he understands. His eyes widen in a mixture of anger and embarrassment, unaware that the boy can't see us. We're invisible, relax. Bakugo sighs, nodding as Todoroki continues through the clearing, not hesitating for a moment. The rest of the class soon follows, their breath heavy as they struggle to stay on their feet.

"It's official. Today is the day I die." Kaminari groans, dragging his feet through the grass.

"Stop whining so much! You've barely helped!" Mera complains, her energy drained. Iida struggles to remain standing, his glasses glinting in the hot sun.

"Come on guys, keep it up! We're almost there, I'm sure of it!" Hairo cheers, his enthusiasm for once being ignored by the class. They're soon gone, leaving Bakugo and I alone once more.

"That was close..." Bakugo growls, getting to his feet. I nod, standing up as well.

We should get going.

"Let's beat them there." Bakugo smirks, sparks flying from his hands. 

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