Chapter 9- The Manliest Duo

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"We might as well move on to the next fight while Midoriya and Ojiro are recovering." All Might smiles, putting his hands into the boxes once more.

"You don't think we should wait for them, All Might?" Infinity Girl asks, nervous to find out which team will go next.

"I don't know about you, but if I broke all of my limbs or got knocked out by a fruit cake, I wouldn't want to come back for a while." All Might chuckles, trying to hide his worry for the boys behind his jokes.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Mera speaks up, scratching her head apprehensively as the class stares at her.

"It's not your fault, Mera! I thought your attack was well thought out! And Todoroki, you handled yourself very well in there! You both have amazing potential!"


"Of course! Would I lie?"

"No, sir!" Mera smiles, bowing her upper body happily.

"And now..." All Might pulls his hands out of the boxes, revealing the next teams to face off. "Team E will be the heroes, and team H the villains! Now go get ready!"

The two teams leave, one swarming with nerves, the other overflowing with excitement.

"So, do you have a plan? That bird guy looked pretty intense."

"Nope! But I'm sure we'll do great!"

"Should we maybe devise a plan?"

"Nah, I'll just pump you up and we'll beat those guys!"

"Yeah, okay," Kirishima mutters, his uncertainty shining through.

"So... how should we do this?" Uraraka asks her partner, shaking in her boots at the intimidating teen.

"I was thinking you could patrol the hallways, warn me if you spot the other team. I can keep an eye on the weapon since Dark Shadow is good for defense and offense."

"Dark Shadow?"

"Oh, right, you don't know of him." Tokoyami leans against a nearby pillar, crossing his arms to look cooler because that's just who he is. "Meet Dark Shadow." He mutters, waving his hand for his partner to reveal himself.

"Hello!" The creature beams, floating near Uraraka. She jumps back, terrified, then hides her face behind her hands in embarrassment. "It's okay! I won't bite!" The creature communicates, twisting around Uraraka to find her face. She slowly brings her hands down, still timid.


"Anyway, this is Dark Shadow. He listens to all I say and is quite strong- though light can harm him. He's stronger in darkness but also harder to control." Uraraka nods, soaking the information her partner is giving her. "And your quirk is Zero Gravity, correct?"

"Yup! I can make anything I touch weightless! Though sometimes it makes me nauseous." Tokoyami nods, glancing at the doorway.

"You should begin your patrol- as long as you're still okay with my original plan."

"Yeah, of course! I'll get going!" The girl smiles, waving at Tokoyami as she leaves him to guard the bomb.

"How do you know the weapon is this way?"

"It's just a gut feeling."

"A 'gut feeling' won't get us the win."

"Not with that attitude!" The redhead beams, powering up his quirk. His partner pauses, surprised to feel his being fill with determination.

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