Chapter 15- Handicap

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"Now, in English, when you join two complete sentences together with nothing but a comma, it's called... what? What is it called? Anyone?"

What a pain. This is so boring. I bring my hand to my face, fighting the urge to sleep as I glance at Bakugo, who is angrily scrawling notes on his paper. I flinch as my mind drifts to last night's events (A/N: and the comments that came with it XD).

Bakugo's surprisingly soft lips are pressed against mine, his fingers entangled in my bright pink hair. For a moment we stay like this, relishing in the kiss.


I push away from the boy, who looks at me, confused.

"What is it?"

This... can't happen. Not yet.

"Well it already happened, you idiot."

No... you can't remember this.

"Why the hell not?" I get off the bed, turning my back to him so he can't see what I'm doing. I rummage through my nightstand, finding the crowbar near the bottom of the drawer.

"Answer me, Saiki. What's so wrong about us?"

This is for the best.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I whack him over the head with the weapon, causing him to slump over onto the bed.

"I MADE COOKIES!" Mom slams open the door, a tray of hot cookies in her hands. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees us, dropping the tray. "KU?" I use my telekinesis to catch the cookies, sitting them back on the tray. "What happened to your friend? Is he ok? Did you hurt him?" Her eyes glint red for a moment, but instead of disciplining me she runs to Bakugo's side. "Oh, dear!"

I sigh, knocking her out with the crowbar as well. She doesn't need to remember that this night ever happened. No one does.

I teleport mom to her room, then Bakugo to his.

I crouch beside his bed, using my powers to place the blankets over him. I smile at his face, which is relaxed as he sleeps.

I'm sorry, Bakugo.

I had teleported home after that, and since then we haven't spoken. Probably because of the memory that took the place of his real one.

Why the hell would Saiki... Dammit. I should've never gone to his house. What the hell was I thinking?

I had to erase your memory. I'm sorry, Bakugo, I really am.

"Does anyone know? Anyone at all?"

English class finally ends, being replaced with the hero class.

"Who do you think will be our teacher today?"

"Aizawa should be fine, right? Saiki did heal him."

"Yeah, but he was unconscious, right?"

"We still have Saiki Sensei..."

Don't call him Sensei, he doesn't deserve that title.

"Ouch! Rude." Father walks into the classroom, a deep frown on his face. "You guys are mean." Behind him stumbles Aizawa, who's covered in bandages.

"Aizawa? Why are you all bandaged? Weren't you healed?"

I rewound his body, I didn't heal him.

"Ooohhh. That makes sense, I guess."

"Wow, buddy, you're so strong!"

"Guys, stop talking! Class started!"

"Thank you, Hairo," Dad mutters, still upset about the students not respecting him. Aizawa clears his throat, stepping in front of Kuniharu.

"Today we must discuss your next fight."

"Next fight?"

"Not more villains!"


Aizawa rolls his eyes behind the bandages, waiting for the class to calm down.

"The sports festival is coming up soon." Aizawa drones, fighting off a yawn.

I can't teach with Recovery Girl's quirk at work. How annoying.

"Oh, right!"

"I keep forgetting this is actually a school!"

"I'm so pumped!" Aizawa fights off another yawn, his eyes dry with fatigue.

"You explain the rest." Aizawa gestures to father as he wanders out of the room, most likely to find a private place to sleep.

"Uhh... okay. So, yeah. The Sports Festival is soon. It's an important event that I hope you all do your best in. Especially you, Ku."

"Aww, your parents call you Ku? How adorable!"

"Can I call you Ku?"

"How KUte!" (A/N: I'm not sorry.)

I hate you.

"Anyway, do your best, it's a huge opportunity for all of you."


"Saiki, hey!" I roll my eyes as Midoriya runs up to me, waving for me to wait up.

"All Might wants to talk with you."

I wonder what it's about. All Might seemed kind of nervous.

What a pain.

Okay. Thanks.

"Sure!" I can feel Midoriya's eyes on me as I walk from where he came from, following All Might's thoughts to find my way.

How is he so powerful? Is he somehow related to... no, impossible. But with the number of quirks he possesses, it's like he's from a different world completely.

I open the door to the lounge, stepping in. All Might quickly shoots up, changing into his muscle form.

I'll have to make this fast, I don't have much time in this form.

No need to hide from me.


I know your secret, you can deflate.

"What are you talking about, my boy?"

I can read minds, remember?

"Right." All Might coughs, spewing blood everywhere.

How unsanitary.

What did you want?

"Oh, right!" All Might sits back down, patting the spot beside him, meaning for me to sit as well. I stare at him blankly, not moving from the doorway. All Might awkwardly clears his throat, pouring himself some tea. "I wanted to give you a challenge." He sips his tea, realizing too late that it's much too hot, but he refuses to spit it out, so he mans up and forces it down, resulting in a burnt esophagus. "I want you to try to avoid your more... useful quirks."

Why would I do that?

"Just to see how good you really are. It's more for the teachers than anything. Plus, it'll get heroes to notice you more. Basically, don't teleport in races, or anything like that."

Yeah, okay.

"Wait, really?"

I didn't expect him to be so agreeable.

There's no sense arguing.

"Well, good luck. You'll be the only student handicapped."

No amount of a handicap will make me weaker than the people I'm against. I turn on my heel, walking to the cafeteria and leaving All Might with his stupid tea.

What an arrogant kid.

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