Chapter 48- Sticky Situation

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"If you didn't understand, we teachers are trying to crush you with everything we've got. No holding back." Ectoplasm informs the pair, who are quickly surrounded by the enemy. Sero nods determinedly, glad that he's for once on Kaido's team. Kaido's jaw is slightly clenched as he holds back his nerves, loosening the bandages around his arm.

"You ready?" Sero questions, his back to Kaido's as they cover each other.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Kaido mumbles, his fist glowing purple as the bandages fall to the ground.

Sero acts quickly, launching tape at the clones, not caring if he catches them or not. The clones dodge easily, beginning to assume that their opponent has no aim whatsoever. However, as Sero tapes the room, Kaido attacks the clones, moving effortlessly through the sticky mess. His flexibility and agility make for a deadly combination in this sense. He'd purposely letting the clones get close, just to dive out of the way so they get caught in the tape, like a fly in a spider's web.

"He won't be here, the real one must be guarding the exit!" Sero yells, grunting as his elbows begin to throb. Kaido nods, narrowing his eyes as he stares up, analyzing how to escape the situation. While he's seemingly distracted a clone makes its move, punching at the bluenette, but the boy ducks, grabbing its arm and sending it flying into the tape.

Sero, panicked, uses his tape to swing out of the sticky situation, breathing heavily as he looks down at Kaido, who has managed to capture six of the clones.

"Do you need help?" Sero questions, aiming his tape at Kaido's back but waiting for an answer.

"No need!" Kaido answers, flipping a clone into tape, then jumping on its back to catapult himself upward. He runs a few steps on the non-sticky side of the tape, using his momentum to stay balanced as he launches himself to the rail, easily latching onto it and swinging over.

"Woah. That was awesome!" Sero compliments, his eyes shining.

"Why put this pair against Ectoplasm? I understand placing them on a team but what does this fight help them with?" Midoriya mumbles to himself, jumping a little when Recovery Girl answers.

"Sero uses his tape to apprehend his opponents from a distance, and to maintain that distance. Ectoplasm's clones can appear anywhere, so Sero's at a disadvantage if they get close to him and he can't escape."

"Okay, that makes sense, but what about Kaido?"

"That was more of a test..."

"A test? Why?"

"Oh! Nothing, child!"

Does he really have any relation with that assassin? The others are crazy for thinking it feasible, right? But watching him stay so calm while surrounded by enemies... it sends a chill down even my spine.

The pair of teens come to a hallway filled with clones. Kaido smirks, his confidence building as the match goes on. Sero, on the other hand, is growing tired. He's almost at his limit. The clones dive forward, the fight heavily in their favor since it's 20 to 2. Kaido doesn't seem fazed. It's almost as if he's been in this situation hundreds of times. He dodges the first punches, grabbing the clone's wrist and flipping him over. While the clone is discombobulated, Kaido firmly places a foot on his shoulder, dislocating it and knocking the clone out. Kaido ducks just in time to dodge another punch, and kicks back, his foot shoving his opponent back 5 feet, and into the path of another clone. They tumble to the ground, causing another unsuspected clone to trip over them. Kaido smirks, punching through the pile, his fist glowing as it makes its way through the clones.

The other clones, now warier of their opponent, decide to surround the boy, assuming that will give them the upper hand. They ignore Sero, who doesn't seem to be as much of an issue for them at the moment. Kaido chuckles, covering his face with his hand before laughing louder, almost maniacally.

"You really think some cheap move like this will stop me? I've fought far worse in my days." Kaido sneers, his fists glowing as he prepares for a fight. The clones are taken aback, but nonetheless, they attack, closing in on the teen. Kaido ducks, sweeping his leg around and knocking the closest of the clones off balance. He gets back to his feet, flipping and wrapping his legs around a clone's neck, easily twisting his body and sending the clone barreling into others. The remaining clones rush all at once, not willing to take any more chances. Kaido's fist glows as he prepares to fight, but he's suddenly pulled away, his shirt nearly being pulled over his head as he swings through the air.

Sero lands, quickly creating a stick trap for any clones who try to follow them. Kaido tears the tape off of himself, pouting.

"I had that!"

"We can't waste our energy on Ectoplasm's clones. We have to find the real one." Kaido rolls his eyes, knowing that his partner is right but still upset about missing out on a good fight. "Come on, let's go," Sero instructs, following the hallway to a balcony overlooking a large room, the end of which has the exit. Before the exit, however, stands Ectoplasm.

"That must be the real one." Kaido mumbles, his hand covering his face once more. "He's no match for us."

"Uh... I wouldn't say that. He is a pro, after all." Sero chuckles, scratching his head nervously as his partner's fist glow.

"Excellent job getting past the others. But tell me, what will you do against this?" Ectoplasm mocks, spitting out a sea of goo that forms into a giant clone. "Just try to escape Giant Bite Detention!" He roars as the clone stands, its eyes level with the boys despite them being on a balcony.

"H-he sure is a cool math teacher!" Sero jokes, clearly panicking.

I can't put out clones now, but as long as I can see them, this one will be enough. The clone slowly falls forward, his mouth gaping as it nears the teens.

"Kaido, move!" Sero yells, yanking himself out of the way. Kaido remains where he is, smirking to himself as darkness surrounds him.

"Judgement Knights of THUNDER!!!!" He screams, causing electricity to overtake the darkness, frying the clone. The clone falls over, collapsing onto the ground, dead.

"H-how? That's impossible!" Ectoplasm stammers, taking a step back. While he's distracted Sero cuffs him, smiling as Kaido waves at him. Sero gives the boy a thumbs-up, holding up Ectoplasm's cuffed hand.


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